> This is a commission from Random_Guy2525 from FA!
> Agh, seems Yona learns quite a lesson the hard way, how even a yak can be crushed by a mere pony! Sandbar was too busy engorging himself that he didn't realize Yona was right behind him, as he sat onto her, soon mistaken her for a cushion just for him to relax on as he enjoys himself. Almost an hour later did he realize that his "cushion" was moving about, even hearing a muffled voice. When he got up and heard Yona's voice, to his horror, he realized he sat on and crushed his close friend into a disc! Here's a friendship lesson for you all: *it's fine to enjoy the things you love, but mind your space, lest this kind of thing can happen!*
> Artwork © to ToferTheAkita
> Sandbar and Yona ©to MLP:FiM