Meet Corkscrew, the middle daughter of Lightning Streak and Rainbow Drop! Following their maternal family's talents, Corkscrew works in the weather factory creating rainbows. She loves making them, especially since they fit her whimsical personality, and always takes pride in her art. Corkscrew is also very sentimental and keeps a sample of every rainbow he's created in the factory, contained in small bottles in their room. Being rather opportunistic, this pony has no issue accepting more training or projects if it gets her ahead in work, especially if it means he gets to hone his skills even more!
Meet Cirrostratus, the youngest child of Lightning Streak and Rainbow Drop! Having developed Leber's Congenital Amaurosis at birth, they have had to navigate the world with practically no vision. Cirro is unemployed because of their disability, but spends their time on hobbies and special interests instead. They loves herding clouds, trying to see how many they can corral before a wind blows them away. Unlike their older siblings, Cirrostratus is noncompetitive, seeing no reason in trying to be the best at things when they could focus on what they like, regardless of how skilled they are. They are impatient, however, and could probably use a tip or two from their clear-headed sister Candy Cloud, who seems to have the most patience out of the three.