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All praise and credit for this piece of magnificent fat art of an underappreciated character goes to Necrofeline, as she is the real artist, while I am merely the uploader.
> "So yeah there was a liiiittle bit of a personal debate with myself of what I should try to upload first after so much time away, and eventually this one won over for now ;; Haydon doesn't get enough art as-is, and she honestly SHOULD, but oh well I guess… But yeah, just gargoyle-mom enjoying a "few" gifts of some candy/chocolate; it's up to you who gave her that much (and for what possible intentions) ;3" ~ Necrofeline
> "So yeah there was a liiiittle bit of a personal debate with myself of what I should try to upload first after so much time away, and eventually this one won over for now ;; Haydon doesn't get enough art as-is, and she honestly SHOULD, but oh well I guess… But yeah, just gargoyle-mom enjoying a "few" gifts of some candy/chocolate; it's up to you who gave her that much (and for what possible intentions) ;3" ~ Necrofeline
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