Originally posted on: October 27, 2014 at 4:10 AM UTC
> Nightraid
> Name: Nightraid
> Age: Approximately 1 year older than Spike
> Race: Demon Dragon
> Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
> Background: When Nightraid was born, his parents abandoned him due to viewing him as the runt of the litter. He was later found by a Pegasai nun that worked at the local church of the Sun and Moon, a church built to worship the Princesses of Equestria. Being a Black Dragon however, he was considered a ill omen, seeing how Black Dragons are a rare occurrence in Equestria, and should walk the same plain of existence of all living creatures, chaos is sure to follow. Due to this legend, Nightraid is considered a outcast amongst the other orphans. The Nun who found him however, Mother Lovebreeze negates these rumors and loves him the same as the other orphans, making Nightraid feel loved. However, due to her past involvement with the Manehatten mob, she is tracked down by the mob and killed. Seeing this, Nightraid snaps into a blind rage, and transforms in his demon form then proceeds to slaughter them all. Afterward, Nightraid walks over and holds her corpse in arms and sobs. The staff and orphans all see the mass murder Nightraid commited, and are immediately shocked and scared of Nightraid. He tries to reason with them, but to no avail and is begged to leave the church grounds, with some of his fellow orphans deeming him a "monster" and "demon". Nightraid leaves the church behind, extremely saddened. Nightraid tried to go to live with his own kind, but even still, his fellow Dragons viewed him as a omen as well, and was casted out, saddening him more. Due to this, he develops a intense hatred and nihilistic view of the world.
> Personality: Serious, Nihilistic, Pessimistic, Near Emotionless
> Appearance: Nightraid resembles that of the standard Dragon, the noticeable differences are that scale color is as black as night, red eyes with a red aura radiating from his left eye and a demonic arm which is sharp enough to cut through the strongest of materials. Nightraid is also always seen wearing a brown hooded cloak.
> Powers
> —————
> Demonic transformation: Nightraid has the ability to transform into a sinister looking demonic Dragon. In this form, he receives two sets of red eyes, a larger pair of wings (the inner part of it ignited in crimson flames) and two sets of demonic horns, longer tail and all of his body turning black. In this form, Nightraid's overall strength, speed and agility is heightened. His right arm also becomes a second demon arm. He is also able to ignite those who grabs onto his body in crimson flames. He can however, extinguish these flames, but only if he feels like it. His voice also becomes deeper and distorted.
> Intangibility: Nightraid is able to pass through solid matter.
> Teleportation: Nightraid is able to teleport in a black mist, however, he can only teleport only the furthest his eyes can see.
> Firebreath: Like other Dragons, Nightraid is able to breath streams of flames and launch fireballs, the only difference being is that they're crimson in color.
> Darkness/shadow manipulation & generation: Nightraid is able to bend and control the darkness and shadows to his will, able to create just about anything he wants from it, even living creatures. Should no darkness or shadows be present however, Nightraid is able to generate it from his body and have it expand over a small area. He is also able to use this to form objects such as a mass of darkness in the form of a black sphere over him, which acts as a shield, and is able to fire out black energy blasts in all directions.
> Demon arm: Nightraid's demon arm isn't only able to slice through tough materials, it is also able to extend roughly 35-40 feet in length with the claw increased in size to grab onto either object and or opponents. He is capable of forming it into a sharp demonic blade and have it unravel into 8 tendrils that can extend and impale targets as well.
> Energy attacks: Nightraid is able to fire out black energy spheres from out of his hands and launches them, causing a explosion upon impact. During his demon transformation, he is able to fire red eye beams, which also can explode on impact. He is also capable of firing black energy waves.
> Flight: Like all Dragons, Nightraid is capable of flight.
> Blackhole creation: By forming and launching a black orb from his hand, Nightraid is capable of generating black holes that are 3 meters (10 feet) in diameter. In his Demonic form, the size is increased to 7 meters (20 feet) in diameter with the strength of the gravity increased tremendously. Anypony or anything that's near it is spaghettified (but not killed) then sucked in and ends up in Nightraid's Dark Dimension, completely reformed. Nightraid can also morph himself into a black hole and pull things into it with his demon arm.
> Roar of hatred: In his demon form, Nightraid is able to roar loudly, causing both a intense and powerful shockwave.
> Dark Vision: Nightraid is able to see perfectly in darkness.
> Dark spikes: Nightraid is able to either smack his hand against the ground, causing hundreds of large black curved spikes to come out, or is able to cause spikes to come out of his body, impaling anyone or anything near them.
> Regenerative healing factor: Nightraid is able to heal from just about any sort of wound, the amount of time it takes to heal though depends solely on how big the wound is. Small ones heal instantaneously, medium ones heal in 2-3 minutes, and large ones heal in 5-10 minutes. While in his demon form, the time it takes to heal is much more faster. When he does heal from his wounds, black mist is seen reforming his body.
> Dark Dimension: Due to his ability of controlling the darkness and shadows, he is able to create a pocket dimension of pitch black darkness. In this dimension, it is a vast realm and can go on seemingly eternity. Any light source sucked into the dimension is immediately destroyed as well as it being very cold. Nightraid can use this ability in conjunction with both his demon arm, blackhole creation and darkness creation (should it not be night time or in a dark area) and through the use of his demon arm, can drag anything or anyone into the dimension where they cannot leave until Nightraid chooses to release them.
> Dark Fist: Nightraid's fist radiates dark energy and delivers a powerful blow on his target(s).
> Immune to fire: Like all dragons, Nightraid's scales are impervious to fire.
> Demonic form reference.
> ———————————————-
> [Demonic Nightraid](https://www.deviantart.com/deviation/492107321)
> Nightraid
> Name: Nightraid
> Age: Approximately 1 year older than Spike
> Race: Demon Dragon
> Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
> Background: When Nightraid was born, his parents abandoned him due to viewing him as the runt of the litter. He was later found by a Pegasai nun that worked at the local church of the Sun and Moon, a church built to worship the Princesses of Equestria. Being a Black Dragon however, he was considered a ill omen, seeing how Black Dragons are a rare occurrence in Equestria, and should walk the same plain of existence of all living creatures, chaos is sure to follow. Due to this legend, Nightraid is considered a outcast amongst the other orphans. The Nun who found him however, Mother Lovebreeze negates these rumors and loves him the same as the other orphans, making Nightraid feel loved. However, due to her past involvement with the Manehatten mob, she is tracked down by the mob and killed. Seeing this, Nightraid snaps into a blind rage, and transforms in his demon form then proceeds to slaughter them all. Afterward, Nightraid walks over and holds her corpse in arms and sobs. The staff and orphans all see the mass murder Nightraid commited, and are immediately shocked and scared of Nightraid. He tries to reason with them, but to no avail and is begged to leave the church grounds, with some of his fellow orphans deeming him a "monster" and "demon". Nightraid leaves the church behind, extremely saddened. Nightraid tried to go to live with his own kind, but even still, his fellow Dragons viewed him as a omen as well, and was casted out, saddening him more. Due to this, he develops a intense hatred and nihilistic view of the world.
> Personality: Serious, Nihilistic, Pessimistic, Near Emotionless
> Appearance: Nightraid resembles that of the standard Dragon, the noticeable differences are that scale color is as black as night, red eyes with a red aura radiating from his left eye and a demonic arm which is sharp enough to cut through the strongest of materials. Nightraid is also always seen wearing a brown hooded cloak.
> Powers
> —————
> Demonic transformation: Nightraid has the ability to transform into a sinister looking demonic Dragon. In this form, he receives two sets of red eyes, a larger pair of wings (the inner part of it ignited in crimson flames) and two sets of demonic horns, longer tail and all of his body turning black. In this form, Nightraid's overall strength, speed and agility is heightened. His right arm also becomes a second demon arm. He is also able to ignite those who grabs onto his body in crimson flames. He can however, extinguish these flames, but only if he feels like it. His voice also becomes deeper and distorted.
> Intangibility: Nightraid is able to pass through solid matter.
> Teleportation: Nightraid is able to teleport in a black mist, however, he can only teleport only the furthest his eyes can see.
> Firebreath: Like other Dragons, Nightraid is able to breath streams of flames and launch fireballs, the only difference being is that they're crimson in color.
> Darkness/shadow manipulation & generation: Nightraid is able to bend and control the darkness and shadows to his will, able to create just about anything he wants from it, even living creatures. Should no darkness or shadows be present however, Nightraid is able to generate it from his body and have it expand over a small area. He is also able to use this to form objects such as a mass of darkness in the form of a black sphere over him, which acts as a shield, and is able to fire out black energy blasts in all directions.
> Demon arm: Nightraid's demon arm isn't only able to slice through tough materials, it is also able to extend roughly 35-40 feet in length with the claw increased in size to grab onto either object and or opponents. He is capable of forming it into a sharp demonic blade and have it unravel into 8 tendrils that can extend and impale targets as well.
> Energy attacks: Nightraid is able to fire out black energy spheres from out of his hands and launches them, causing a explosion upon impact. During his demon transformation, he is able to fire red eye beams, which also can explode on impact. He is also capable of firing black energy waves.
> Flight: Like all Dragons, Nightraid is capable of flight.
> Blackhole creation: By forming and launching a black orb from his hand, Nightraid is capable of generating black holes that are 3 meters (10 feet) in diameter. In his Demonic form, the size is increased to 7 meters (20 feet) in diameter with the strength of the gravity increased tremendously. Anypony or anything that's near it is spaghettified (but not killed) then sucked in and ends up in Nightraid's Dark Dimension, completely reformed. Nightraid can also morph himself into a black hole and pull things into it with his demon arm.
> Roar of hatred: In his demon form, Nightraid is able to roar loudly, causing both a intense and powerful shockwave.
> Dark Vision: Nightraid is able to see perfectly in darkness.
> Dark spikes: Nightraid is able to either smack his hand against the ground, causing hundreds of large black curved spikes to come out, or is able to cause spikes to come out of his body, impaling anyone or anything near them.
> Regenerative healing factor: Nightraid is able to heal from just about any sort of wound, the amount of time it takes to heal though depends solely on how big the wound is. Small ones heal instantaneously, medium ones heal in 2-3 minutes, and large ones heal in 5-10 minutes. While in his demon form, the time it takes to heal is much more faster. When he does heal from his wounds, black mist is seen reforming his body.
> Dark Dimension: Due to his ability of controlling the darkness and shadows, he is able to create a pocket dimension of pitch black darkness. In this dimension, it is a vast realm and can go on seemingly eternity. Any light source sucked into the dimension is immediately destroyed as well as it being very cold. Nightraid can use this ability in conjunction with both his demon arm, blackhole creation and darkness creation (should it not be night time or in a dark area) and through the use of his demon arm, can drag anything or anyone into the dimension where they cannot leave until Nightraid chooses to release them.
> Dark Fist: Nightraid's fist radiates dark energy and delivers a powerful blow on his target(s).
> Immune to fire: Like all dragons, Nightraid's scales are impervious to fire.
> Demonic form reference.
> ———————————————-
> [Demonic Nightraid](https://www.deviantart.com/deviation/492107321)
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