IMPORTANT: Perhaps I should have specified in the first pic… Sunset, Twilight and Spike will become "cheer-feeders", so to say, for their respective "food baby" in play. And I forgot to share this link, so y'all can keep track of the progress for our teams: [](
Now that that's cleared up, let's resume.
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Tallies so far: SUN-45 | MOON-0 | HEART-150
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Friendship notes: Overall, it wasn't a "TERRIBLE" start, but the momentum could be better if ANY of our regal mares want to claim the biggest throne. Also, come on, Luna and Spike…. I know somebody out there can at least get you two on the board with Candy and Sunbutt. Also, we kinda expected Celestia to have a MASSIVE heads-up, since she's the eldest of the bunch… but no.
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NEXT MILESTONE: Wednesday the 21st.
All team members will EACH gain 15 lbs for every $3 donated with a name of that member, respectively. (you can choose to go for either team, or 2, or even ALL 3, if you want. It’s up to you!) PayPal : >> []( << KO-FI: >> []( Etsy Tip Jar (NEW!): >> [](
So, will anyone on the docket reach the size of this castle? Can Luna overshadow the other two with blubbery dominance? That is up to YOU, the contributors, to decide!