> ugh
> "monAaa, cOmee danZe wiT mEE" [Llama Emoji-01 (Laughing) [V1]](https://jerikuto.deviantart.com/art/Llama-Emoji-01-Laughing-V1-411890547)
> -"glitter stfu, you always do the same shit"[Llama Emoji-76 (Facepalm) [V4]](https://jerikuto.deviantart.com/art/Llama-Emoji-76-Facepalm-V4-462123193)
> "u nO fUUUUnnnnnn"[Llama Emoji-08 (Crying) [V1]](https://jerikuto.deviantart.com/art/Llama-Emoji-08-Crying-V1-413126538)
> i have so many pony characters that i draw the time i design them and tos them aside like these two that don't even have cutiemarks. they do have names tho, purple unicorn is glitter moscato, grey is mona (monochrome). as you can see glitter is your typical loud party drunkie (she likes to think and act like she's sophisticated when sober) and mona is the serious one who has to cope with it. (is actually pretty chill is drunk glitter who gets her on her serious annoyed side) the whole purpose of this drawing was to practice expressions cuz my art always has the same expression literally [Bear Emoji-28 (Yawn and Lazy) [V2]](https://jerikuto.deviantart.com/art/Bear-Emoji-28-Yawn-and-Lazy-V2-462123232)