
\(After amaryllis says "We're going to the Crystal Kingdom!" Cuts Mane 6 reaches safety at the Crystal kingdom train station, Mane 5 walks out of the train with very windy cold air, They look around in Nervous face. And then Iridescent walks out with a smirks look\)

Iridescent: Ha! And you all made fun of me for packing so many scarves.

\(As she walks out of the train, Ember walks behind Iris with a lot of packages\)

Ivory: Ember, you don't have to carry our package. You gonna hurt yourself.

Ember: \Grunts\ Don't worry about me Ivory, I'll be fi-Woah! \Slip\

\(After Ember slips by icy snow, The package opens with lots of scarves. And fly up in the windy air, Ember is struggling to grab the scarves in the air. While Mane 6 looks out into the snowy wasteland. Then they heard call Twinkie sprinkle name\)

Valiant knight: Twinkie!

Twinkie Sprinkle: Onii-San?

\(Then Valiant Knight presents himself in the very windy snowy air, he took his iggaak glasses on top of his head and put his scarf out of his muzzle. Valiant is happy to see her again\)

Valiant Knight: Twily! You made it! \Hugging his sister, Then he let her go\ We'd better get moving. There are things out here we really don't want to run into after dark.

Sparkling Cider: \gulp\ What kind of things?

Valiant Knight: Let's just say the kingdom… isn't the only thing that's returned.

\(Mane 5 and Ember successfully catch the all scarves out in the air. They look at each other with worried faces. Then cut the mane 6, Ember, and Valiant knight walking in the windy snowy wasteland.\)

Valiant Knight: \Yelling\ There something keeps trying to get in! We think it's the female unicorn who originally cursed the place!

Amaryllis: \Yelling back\ But Empress Lunaria said I was being sent here to find a way to protect the kingdom! If Lady umbra can't get in, then it must already be protected!

\(Then they all stop at their track, They heard a very creepy ambiance howling in the air. Sparking Cider starting to freak out\)

Sparkling Cider: \gasp\ Th-That's one of the things are you talking about, isn't it?!

Valiant knight: \also gasp\ We have to get to the Crystal kingdom! NOW!

\(Then suddenly a thing appears behind them. A form of great clouds of bluish-black smoke with a crystal eye. Mane 6 breaks into a running action, But Ember is standing and looking at the thing in horror-struck, Valiant knight grabs Ember with his mouth, And Ember drops the packages in the snow. The bluish-black clouds start pursuing at the ponies. While the ponies run and Surprise Fuchsia fly with their life. Valiant knight runs next to Amaryllis with Ember, He throws Ember into Amaryllis's back. All of them run and fly While the clouds of bluish-black smoke are behind them. They are almost close to the Crystal Kingdom, But it's surrounded the kingdom with the bright Yellow bubble\)

Valiant knight: \Yelling\ We almost there!

\(While mane 6 and Ember running to the kingdom. Valiant Knight stop to his track, He turns around and confronting at the clouds of bluish-black smoke. The thing also stop at him. Valiant remove his scarf out his neck and the The wing made of the gem shoots the beams of magic at the thing, But It dodges and plunges straight at him as valiant knight braces for the attack while the wing made of the gem start to glows. Then fade to mane 6 running towards the bright yellow bubble, They successfully made it in\)

Amaryllis: \gasps for breath\ I-It's Everypony okay…?

\(Mane 5 and Ember general agreement while gasping for breath too. Then Twinkie realized that valiant knight is not here with them, She start to panic\)

Twinkie Sprinkle: Um girls…? Where is my Onii-San?

\(Mane 5 and Ember look around to find him, Then finally Valiant Knight joins them and collapses into the ground\)

Twinkie Sprinkle: \Gasp\ ONII-SAN! \She runs towards him and pulls him to stand\ Onii-san, Your wing gem thingy!

\(His wing made of the gem has been encrusted with tiny hope diamond crystals. He tries to cast a spell, but the crystals impede his magic. he sadly shakes his head at Twinkie. The ponies walk the entrance, mane 6 and Ember gasps\)

Twinkie sprinkle: Sparkleriffic!

\(They all gaze at the resplendent city, Cut to the ponies walking through the deserted streets towards the crystal castle, Iridescent is so dazzled by the crystalline roads and buildings\)

Iridescent: It's gorgeous! Absolutely gorgeous! \mumbles incoherently\ There are no words!!

Ivory: Focus, Iris. We're here to help Amaryllis, not admire the scenery.

Surprise Fuchsia: Eh, I don't see what the big deal is. Just looks like another old castle to me.

Iridescent: A–p- Huh?! Another old…! Have you lost your MIND?! Look at the magni-

\(Surprise Fuchsia starts giggling at her, Ivory and Surprise Fuchsia hoof bump each other, and Iris gets the joke.\)

Iridescent: Ha ha, Very funny guys.

\(As mane 6 walks inside the castle. Cut the crystal throne room, Queen Aphrodite put her wings around her mother's back for comfort, while Queen Lily Venus is slumped on the throne. Her horn is constantly emitting yellow magic and she has bags under her eyes. Then they hear the guest in the throne room.\)

Twinkie Sprinkle: Aphrodite! \bouncing toward the throne\

Queen Aphrodite: \Smile back at her\ Twilight!

\(As queen Aphrodite flies out of the throne chair, Queen Lily Venus smile at them with a tired look. Aphrodite and Twinkie look at each other with excitement. Then they do the ladybug dance when Valiant and Twinkie were younger\)

Queen Aphrodite and Twinkie Sprinkle: Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake! \laughing\

\(Queen Lily Venus joins the laughs too, But Suddenly, thunder strikes outside, and her magic starts to flicker. She almost lost control\)

Queen Lily Venus: One of these days we need to get together when the fate of Equestria isn't hanging in the balance… \Tired sighs\

Amaryllis: It's she okay?

Queen Aphrodite: My mother has been able to use her magic to spread love and light. That seems to be what is protecting it. But she hasn't slept and barely eats.

Valiant knight: And I want to help her too, but my protection spell has been countered by Lady Umbra. \Put his hooves to his chest\

Queen Lily Venus: \breathes deeply\ It's okay you two, I can handle it…

Queen Aphrodite: No mom, This is not okay! She can't go on like this forever. and if her magic were to fade…

Valiant knight: And you girls saw what's out there waiting for that to happen…

Amaryllis: That's why we're here. Right girls?

Mane 5 and Ember: Mm-hmm! \Nodding\

Queen Aphrodite: Well, My magic putting all her strength into keeping my mother's spell going, while Valiant knight trying to keep an eye on signs of trouble in the arctic, we haven't been able to gather much information from the Crystal Ponies' history…

Iridescent: CRYSTAL PONIES?! \Giggly\ there are Crystal Ponies?!

\(Iris stops being ecstatic for a second, Mane 4 and Ember looking at with confused and annoyed looks, Iris got in embarrassed and clears her throat\)

Iridescent: Um, ahem. Please continue. \embarrassed smile\

Valiant knight: But we have to believe one of them knows how we can protect the kingdom without having to use Queen's magic.

Amaryllis: \Thinking about\ A research paper!

Queen Aphrodite and Valiant knight: Huh?

Amaryllis: That must be part of my test – to gather information from the Crystal Ponies and deliver it to you! This is gonna be great! I love research papers!

Surprise Fuchsia: \sarcastically\ Yeah, who doesn't?

Twinkie Sprinkle: Oh-oh-oh! Lemme guess! Is it Ember? No no, Sparkling Cider! Iris?

Amaryllis: Don't worry, Your majesties. I am really good at this sort of thing. \Smiles\


\(Cut to the outside the kingdom city, Amaryllis and Ember talking to gloomy crystal stallion's house for information\)

Amaryllis: Are you sure? Absolutely sure?

peacock stone: I'm sorry. I wish I could help you. But it's been years not to remember anything before Lady Umbra came to power. \Flashback of the bad memories\ And I don't want to remember anything about the time she ruled over us.\shudders\

Amaryllis: \Whispering to Ember\ Maybe lady umbra's spell must be why their coats aren't… crystally

peacock stone: Have we really been gone a thousand years?

Amaryllis: Yes.

peacock stone: It feels like it was just yesterday…

Amaryllis: If you think of anything, even the smallest thing..

peacock stone: Of course… \Closed the door\

Ember: Well, that was a total bust.

Amaryllis: Maybe the others are having better luck.

\(Cuts to Surprise Fuchsia talking to another crystal ponies for information, But also noting\)

Surprise Fuchsia: A way to protect the kingdom! You know anything about it or what?

Rose De France Amethyst: I wish I could help you. Really…

Surprise Fuchsia: Hold on! You gotta know something!

Rose De France Amethyst: But… I don't have any information. \Walking away\

\(Surprise fuchsia put her hooves to her face and grunted in annoyance, Fading to Sparkling cider trying to talk to another crystal pony\)

Sparkling cider: Oh, um. Excuse me! Oh! Hello! Umm, I was just wondering.
\She spotted the table of two ponies, Was gonna braving talking to them but was too shy about it\
Oh, oh, that's okay, um, Y'all look really busy. \laughs nervously and flies away\

\(While she nervously laughs and flies away, Twinkie Sprinkle doing ninja jumps with who is wearing a black suit and "night vision goggles"\)

Twinkie Sprinkle: Time to gather some intel! \Grab the rope and jump down the building\

Lapis Lazuli: It just feels like something is missing…

Chalcedony: I know. It looks the same, but it doesn't feel the same…

Twinkie Sprinkle: \Whispering\ Because it isn't. \While hanging the rope upside down\

Chalcedony and Lapis Lazuli: \GASP\ A spy! \Runs away\

Twinkie Sprinkle: \screams and falls to the ground\ A spy? How did they know…? Ah! Must have noticed my night vision goggles. Ooh! Night vision-y! \clang\

\(Twinkie hit her face into the crystal light post, Cuts to Iridescent engrossed in imagining how beautiful if she was a crystal pony\)

Iridescent: M-hm-hmmm. And when you flip your mane, it simply must create a rainbow of color. Oh! Wouldn't I look just magnificent? So sparkly! \Giggly\

\(While Iris image herself, groups of crystal ponies around her, They all look at each other and uncomfortably back away and smile. The mane 6 reconvene at the base of the castle with no information\)

Surprise Fuchsia: \sighs\ I got nothing so far.

Iridescent: Oh, me neither… \Busy playing her mane\

\(Amaryllis is not happy with the answer, But then Sparkling Cider tiptoes up to her and looks around before taking off her costume. Twinkie hisses\)

Twinkie Sprinkle: \hushed\ My cover has been blown. I repeat, my cover has been blown! \Runs away\

Amaryllis: Ooookay…?

Ivory: Sorry, Amaryllis. These crystal ponies seem to have some kinda collective amnesia or something. Only thing I was able to get out of 'em was about a library or something.

Amaryllis: \gasps\ A library? Well, why didn't you say so?! \Put her hooves in Ivory face\

Ivory: Uh… thought I just did. \Smile\

\(Cut to the mane 6 head in the library, an impressive three-floor facility. Amaryllis starts hyperventilating of joy\)

Amaryllis: I just… I don't even know what to… There are no words…

Miss Red diamond: Ahem. May I help you?

Amaryllis: Yes. We're looking for a book.

Miss Red diamond: We have plenty of those.

Amaryllis: You do. You really do… \Twirls around\

Ivory: We're looking for a history book. Something that might tell us how the kingdom might've protected itself from danger back in the day.

Miss Red diamond: Yes. Of course. History, history… Ah, yes!

\(Mane 6 squeaks and smiles. They are waiting a answer of where the history books are located. But she not saying anything\)

Amaryllis: Which is… where, exactly?

Miss Red diamond: I… I can't seem to remember. I'm not sure I actually work here.

Surprise Fuchsia: ugh. \Smack her hooves in her face in annoyance\

Amaryllis: We'll just take a look around. I'm sure we can find it on our own.

Miss Red diamond: Let me know if you find anything! \Walking away\

Twinkie Sprinkle: I like her!

\(Fades to mane 6 and Ember look for the history book, Surprise Fuchsia is top of the ladder, and Sparkling cider kick the ladder very hard. Surprise throw all the books to the floor. Twinkie Sprinkle jumps very high up to find the right books. Iris is getting tired of searching for the book. Ember shows Iris a book if this is the right book or not. Ivory starting to give up to find the book\)

Ivory: Uh, anyone else starting to think this is a lost cause?

Amaryllis: \Levitating all the books around her\ No, no, no, no, no… Yes! "History of the Crystal Kingdom". I just hope it has the answers we need.

\(Amaryllis flips the first page for the answers, and the scene fades to black. Cuts to the throne room She reads aloud a section from the book\)

Amaryllis: A 'Crystal Faire'. According to this book, it was established by their first unicorn king and became their most important tradition. The Faire was held every year to "renew the spirit of love and unity in the kingdom so they could protect it from harm". My friends and I could put it together. Everything we need to know is in the book!

Queen Aphrodite: That sounds pretty promising. Right mother? \She looks at her with a smile look, But she worries about her\

Amaryllis: \She also looks at her in worries look\ We'll get started right away. C'mon, Ember, we've got a Crystal Faire to put together!

\(As they start to walk out of the throne room, Ember is struggling to carries the big book with her. Amaryllis takes on the task of setting up a Faire for the Crystal Ponies with her friends…\)
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