> 5th Nov 2022, 6:00 AM in [What About Discord?](https://friendshipisdragons.thecomicseries.com/archive/62874)
> It should probably be disclaimed that Friendship is Dragons is far from an ideal model of how to handle issues at the table, merely a dramatization thereof.
> In other news, I'm opening up the floor for guest comics! I'd like to take a nice long sabbatical once this mind-taxing arc is complete (so that, at the very least, I have more time to figure out what the heck comes next), but you already know I don't like to leave the content pipeline empty if I can avoid it. Luckily, if you want to create something more involved and complex, you've got plenty of time starting now. As always, [here are the guidelines.](https://friendshipisdragons.thecomicseries.com/blogarchive/18602) Looking forward to everyone's submissions!
> Notice: Guest comic submissions are open! Guidelines [here.](https://friendshipisdragons.thecomicseries.com/blogarchive/18602) Deadline: January 27th, 2023.
> DM: I suppose you're wondering… "Why?"
> Discord: Yessssss… that was a question… on my mind…
> DM: Well, the short version: I felt like I couldn't just \tell\ you there was a problem. I had to \show\ you. Just like I had to reckon with the damage \I\ did to the game. And I figured you'd at least appreciate the thematic story told in all this. As for the long version… Well, do you mind if we postpone that discussion until after the session? There's a lot to talk about, but we've still got a final battle to run and an arc finale to witness. I promise I'll explain everything once the story's over. It's just that this is kind of a two-part thing. Turning things around on Discord, that was my part, something only I could do. I think once you see the second part, it'll make more sense, what we're trying to do here.
> Discord: <sigh> Very well. \Fine.\ But I reserve the right to be a very grumpy commentator for the rest of these proceedings.
> DM: Granted. So long as you don't riff too hard while I'm trying to work. We've got enough riffers at the table already.
> Rainbow Dash: Yeah! That's OUR job!
> Applejack: Welcome to the crew, Discord.