
Queen Solaris Celestia of the Sun
- Herald of the Sun-Aligned, Peacemaker, Devotee to her Peoples-

Where to start with Celestia. She's been around to see the beginnings of each kingdom established, and harnesses the power to be able move a celestial body every single day. Needless to say, she's one of, if not the most, powerful being currently alive in Equestria.

While she isn't a tyrant, she definitely knows how to keep a secret. Who cares if a couple of wars she's waged were erased from history, right? All of her little ponies love her so very much, they don't need to view her as the young alicorn, fresh with power she was when she first came into rule.

Celestia's magic is drawn from the sun (go figure), being the biggest celestial body in the solar system, this means she has almost an infinite supply of it. But on cloudy, rainy days and at nighttime are when you find her at her weakest. Many an attempt has been made under her sister's watchful eye to slay the queen in her bedquarters, but they've all been in vain.

She doesn't just rely on her magic, however. Celestia is excellent with a sword of any kind, and fences with her sister and students from time to time.

Celestia has had many lovers in the milennia she's been alive. In her early years, she was found to be a flirtatious mare, and had many suitors come from all over the world to try and win her heart. Celestia also used to take days where she would blend in with her subjects and flirt in the towns as well. She's probably had a dozen children she doesn't know are hers, or doesn't care to know.
She's only had one true love that she's kept close to her heart all these years.

As for appearance, Celestia has not physically aged a day since her acension into alicornhood. She bears many scars from countless wars, but tends to cover them up when presenting herself to her subjects as not to frighten them. Her mane tends to magically change to show the time of day, these being her midday colors.

She bears a curved horn from being an ancient unicorn, a gene that has been almost completely wiped out in present day.

She's currently in a political marriage with Empress Rainshine of the Kirin, who has been reintroduced into polite society after taking her people and fleeing for many, many years. While it may have been just business at first, Rainshine and Celestia have grown incredibly close to one another, falling in love and having children together.

She's had many students in her days, mostly sun-aligned ponies as she finds them the easiest to train and work with. During Luna's banishment however, she found herself taking in a few lunar-aligned students as well, almost as if to fill the gap that she created by imprisoning her sister on the moon. She chuckles from time to time thinking of how her greatest success came from one her sister's prophets and her greatest failure came from one of her own.

She and Luna will never share the bond they once shared before their great battle. Being as such, they have no control over their elements anymore, Celestia's being Magic, and Luna's being Loyalty. She still loves her sister very much, and Luna loves her the same but a gap has been created between them that will struggle to fill back up, even if they live to see the death of the universe.

Sorry for the rambly-ness of this post! I struggle a lot with putting my thoughts in order, but I hope you like the headcanons and lore I have for her. I may come back and update this if I ever feel I need to!
Feel free to ask any questions in the comments <3


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