
> I like the idea that Princess Cadence and Prince Blueblood were somewhat closer when Blueblood was a colt, they both did grow up in the Canterlot Castle, Blueblood after his parents, distant relatives of Celestia and Luna, who had abandoned the life of pampered royalty, and his baby sister died in a train crash, and after Cadence was found abandoned in the woods by a group of poor earth pony nuns and then discovered by Celestia for her powerful understanding and skill for love and bringing it to anyone deprived of it.
> When the Royal Guards rushed into the Castle cradling a young, severely wounded colt, only about 6 years old, Cadence showed instant concern and curiousity for him. After hearing that the colt was a royal relative, Celestia welcomed him into the Castle where he was spoiled rotten by the staff and the idea that he was special.
> Cadence loved foals, so it was natural for her to be ecstatic that there was a young soul in the Castle, and a nephew of Princess Celestia, just like she was her adopted niece, made it even more amazing to her, from now on, it would be like having a brother.
> She was one that spoiled him too. Now Blueblood, despite all of the luxury, remembered clear as day of his life before the crash, he had a mother and father, and a baby sister that he loved to pieces, they were poor and his father Phantom West was bearly around, and when he was around, he was neglectful and mean, and awful.
> But his mother had been so kind, and sad, and caring, and his sister was sweet and quiet, she never cried. And although his old life was never good, it was so familiar, and his love for the two mares he did care for was so strong and sweet, that he. . .just missed it. (Once Upon a Time reference hee hee!)
> Cadence noticed his Ill-temper and moodiness, and though the two never really sat down and talked or spend time together in the one year he had been there, she had only served him in little tasks with a bright smile on her face, now she decided to sit down and talk to him.
> Blueblood had just started sulking in the most unused hall of the Castle when Cadance sat down to talk with him. She tried to cheer him up and actually was able to connect with him with a little kindness, reverse-sycoligy, and love, and actually cheered him up a bit.
> After that, Princess Cadance saw Prince Blueblood like a little brother of sorts, and though Blueblood wouldn't admit it, protested and scoffed, he saw her like the sister he lost, and looked up to her in a way. Cadance would teach him how to love everyone around him and to keep hope.
> Of course, later on in life this advise takes a pretty negative turn to him, as he grew up, spoiled, pampered, selfish, a player, and a cheat. . .and poor Cadance, has to watch him, feeling guilty of the pony he grew to be, as if it is her own fault, yet when the two cross paths from time to time in the present, Blueblood welcomes his adopted sister/cousin, oblivious to her concerns, while Cadence welcomes him back aswell, just a bit more hesitation, more guilty, more careful.
> Well hope you guys enjoyed my little Headcannon, I mean they did grow up in the same Castle, at around the same time and were both adopted by Celestia as a neice and a nephew, so there should be some connection, some familiarity between them, I also headcannonize Prince Blueblood as I've seen a lot of others imagine him as, a jerk who acts like he loves a mare, than leaves her for another, he leaves a trail of heartbreak behind him, and he sees nothing wrong with it despite how, cruel, how sad, how awful it is. Hopefully he won't get himself into trouble that he can't come back from.
> That's all for now, tune in next time and thanks for stopping by!


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