> New member of the swarm — Story
> SO!! story number 2 is here!
> This is also going to be my new OC: Pinkus.
> So expect to see this beauty in upcoming drawings! 🙂
> WARNING: This story contains blood, gore and death! please do not read ahead if you are sensitive to that kind of content!
> —-
> Pinkie Pie woke up, her vision was a fuzzy, neon green. She started slowly looking around in the limited visual distance she had, squinting her eyes to try and make out any more distinct shapes.
> She pressed her hooves against the ‘window’, her ears folding back as she tried to focus on what was going on.
> A rather large changeling suddenly appeared in front of the window, hissing at her, causing the pink party point to flinch back in fright. Whatever she was in, rocked violently with the flinch, and she tried to remain as still as possible to get whatever it was to calm down.
> She slowly leaned forward again, and realised that she was upside down. Looking up at the floor, she noticed a long time enemy of the elements of harmony: Queen Chrysalis.
> Pinkie pie let out a scared yelp, which caught the attention of the queen.
> “Ah, finally awake dear! Now we can get started on our little plan.” the changeling queen spoke, with high pride in her voice.
> The queen looked up at her mini swarm of Changelings that had joined her, smiling at them with a nod. Turning back to pinkie, she smirked, her horn igniting as she stepped toward the cocoon that held Pinkie captive.
> The cocoon began to glow the same shade of green as Queen Chrysalis’s horn, and Pinkie began to pant heavily. She was scared, unable to escape and as far as she knew, her friends didn't know where she was. Her eyes began to well up with tears, and her mane deflated with a popping balloon sound, before she suddenly let out a shrill shriek of agony.
> Her hooves began to change colour, as chunks of them began to fall out in perfect circles. Blood flowed down the pink party pony’s legs, puddling at the bottom of her green cage. Creating a chunky crimson, PInkie-hoof soup.
> The earth pony shrieked again and held her head as blood began to flow down it, around her eyes and off of her snout, as a jagged horn forcefully grew out of her forehead, the squishy sound of her back slitting open filled the cocoon as she suddenly sprouted 2 changeling wings, which flapped rapidly to dry themselves off.
> A bit more liquid crimson dripped from her mouth as she sprouted 2 long fangs that protrude from her upper lips. Finally, her eyes started to change colour, beginning to match a changeling's eyes, but with a faint difference, that she had slitted pupils.
> Her screaming soon came to a halt, as the final step in her transformation was the ends of her mane and tail changing colour to match Chrysalis’s mane colour.
> Thanks to the brutal force of the transformation, a lot of her original colour remained, but she still had the appearance and a bit of colour of a changeling. The newly transformed changeling bit into the side of her cocoon, hatching and hanging upside down to let her wings dry fully. She looked at the changeling queen with a mix of anger, but also obedience. 2 changelings flew up either side of Pinkie, and suddenly dug their fangs into her flanks, ripping away strips of skin, breaking up her cutie mark that had been left behind.
> The changeling pink pony let out a hiss at her ‘attackers’ as a 3rd changeling flew up and placed a saddle on her back, matching the colour of her now ripped balloons.
> Pinkie landed on all 4 hooves in front of the queen after her wings had dried, and she bowed to Chrysalis, who smiled and pressed her hoof into the top of Pinkie’s head roughly.
> “Go get cleaned up, then join the swarm. You will follow their instructions with no hesitation, unless you want more injury and pain to come your way.” The queen ordered before walking away.
> Pinkie got to her hooves and looked at the swarm of 4 changelings, who all formed a circle around her. They began to clean the blood off of Pinkie’s body, while one of them ignited their horn and forced the holes in her hooves to heal fully, finally, her transformation was complete.
> The swarm took flight, with pinkie following suit, A couple of them flying at her side to make sure she was flying correctly.
> Soon enough they had arrived at Canterlot, they had originally planned to go to Ponyville, but it had been reported that the small, humble town had been taken off of all radars, and nothing was left apart from a giant blood stain of… Something.
> The small swarm suddenly transformed into the remaining Elements of Harmony, with Pinkie managing to transform into her original pony form. The 5 changelings walked up to the guards, who kept an eye out for any danger, on the edge of the forcefield that Shining Armour had put in place.
> The leader of the group, who had transformed into Rainbow Dash, walked forward and spoke to one of the guards.
> “We’ve come to pay our respects to Shining Armour… We heard about what happened to his sister… She was our best friend, as you already know. We all thought a few familiar faces might help.” The leader changeling, as well as all of the others, put on a friendly face, while Pinkie’s ears folded back, even though she still managed to give a smile.
> The guards gave each other a look, their ears folding back before casting a spell to create a doorway in the forcefield. Allowing the 5 changelings through.
> The fluttershy changeling looked up at one of the guards, hesitantly speaking up.
> “U-um.. Do you know where Shining Armour might be?”
> “He may be at his station at the Princess’s castle. I’d suggest going there first. Would you like one of us to escort you there?” The guard offered, his tone was still commanding, but it had a hint of Sympathy in it.
> The fluttershy changeling spoke up again, giving the guard a dismissing wave.
> “N-no no it's ok, we appreciate it though. But I think we remember where his station is.”
> The other changelings nodded in agreement, and then made their way toward the castle. The rainbow dash changeling turned to Pinkie, giving a cunning grin as they walked through the streets.
> They soon reached the castle and the guards at the door let them through. The 5 of them looked through the castle slowly, before finally finding Shining Armour stationed outside of Princess Celestia's throne room.
> He was in a terrible state. His headpiece was missing, his mane was a mess. The head guard had dark circles around his eyes and tear streaks down his cheeks, it looked like he had been crying pretty heavily earlier that day. His coat was slightly matted from neglect of washing after each shift too.
> “Shining Armour?” The rarity changeling spoke up, and it immediately caught the attention of the head guard. The stallion came running and he hugged the 5 ponies, trying not to weep.
> The changelings hugged the head guard back, giving eachother smirks before pulling away into Shining's field of vision again. After a bit of small talk, they all began to walk with Shining from his station, bringing him into his office so they could talk with a bit more privacy.
> The Applejack changeling spoke up, holding a small gift box in her hooves.
> “Here y'are sugarcube… We brought ya somethin’… We know it won't bring twilight back.. But we all thought it might help ya little…”
> The gift box was a light purple, with a darker purple/bluish colour ribbon on top.
> “I helped wrap it, I guess AJ isn't the best at wrapping things!” Pinkie spoke up with a chuckle, which caused the Applejack changeling to give Pinkie a jokingly annoyed glare.
> This in turn caused a small giggle to escape Shining’s lips as he opened the box.
> With a small puff, a miniature cloud of powder was fired into Shining armour’s face, causing him to go dizzy. Soon enough the commander fell to the ground with a thump and the changelings gathered around the fallen guard. They all changed back into their base changeling forms, picked up the limp head guard and their horns ignited, teleporting them back to Queen Chrysalis’s castle.
> The swarm dumped the guard in front of the Queen, all 5 of them bowing. The Queen gave a sinister cackle as she gripped the guard with her teeth, small trickles of blood flowing from Shining’s neck, as the queen began dragging him into a room that seemed to glow a rather dull green. It was covered, wall to wall with cocoons. Each one had multiple citizens from all around equestra inside. The one that caught Pinkie’s eye the most, contained one of her closest friends: Vinyl Scratch, who was in one of the lower rows of cocoons. But she didn't care, she had a queen to serve.
> She watched as Queen Chrysalis formed a cocoon around Shining Armour, hanging him in the final available space in the room. Before walking over to the largest cocoon that had formed in the middle of the room. It was moving slightly, it was like the beating heart of the room.
> “I suppose you’re rather hungry, Pinkie Pie? Or shall I say… Pinkis?” Queen Chrysalis spoke, locking eyes with the newly changed changeling.
> Pinkis gave a smirk and nodded, licking her fanged lips and walking over to the cocoon. Looking through the thick window, Princess Cadance was held captive. She was slowly coming to, as her eyes began to flutter.
> The princess locked eyes with Pinkus, and she gave a muffled shriek.
> The queen stepped forward, looking at her mini swarm, before splitting open the emerald wall, allowing the princess to fall onto the ground.
> “Feast…”
> All 5 of the changelings pounced on the Princess of love, who let out a shriek.
> The sounds of flesh ripping, blood splashing and bones cracking filled the room, as the swarm began to feast on the princess. Pinkie took the plunge, smirking and biting into the princess’s side, taking a bite size chunk from the princess’s torso. Blood sprayed from Cadence's body like a crimson fountain.
> The changelings all took a limb each, the original 4 took a leg each, 2 of them taking her wings. Blood began to quickly puddle around Cadence's pailing body.
> Pinkus swallowed her mouthful of muscle and bared her fangs, biting into Cadance’s chest, creating a large cavity, which quickly widened to expose the organs inside.
> Pinkus couldn't help but drool a bit at the sight of all the moving, beating and warm organs as they were exposed to the cool air of the cocoon room.
> The pink changeling bit into the heart of the princess, roughly pulling it out of the chest cavity. Cadence’s eyes rolled back slowly and her body slowly went limp. The colour in the princess’s eyes faded, as each joint and vein was cut from the heart, finally setting it free of its owner.
> Pinkus chewed away at the organ, giving happy little chirps as she feasted on her share of the pink alicorn.
> Her face and front hooves were covered in blood, which she quickly licked clean, before turning back to her swarm.
> “Guess this is a job well done huh guys?” Pinkus spoke up, which was met with a choir of happy chirps of agreement.
> Pinkus gave a giggle, as she began to dissect and devour the rest of Princess Cadence's organs.
> —-
> I hope you all enjoyed the story, this one was a lot of fun to make, design and write out 🙂
> Link to prices are here
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> All rules, TOS and refund info for my commissions can be found here:
> [https://www.deviantart.com/users/outgoing?https://bryony6210.carrd.co/](https://www.deviantart.com/users/outgoing?https://bryony6210.carrd.co/)[bryony6210.carrd.co/](https://bryony6210.carrd.co/)
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