
"This is the best day in the history of science!"


Name: Sunfire

Nicknames: (Azurlite) Spitfire

Species: 1/3 unicorn, 1/3 pegasus, and 1/3 kirin

Gender: Mare

Pronouns: She/Her

Parents: Sunset Shimmer and Firestreak

Sibling(s): (Will have siblings haven't made reference's for them)

Sexuality: Bisexual

Lover: Azurlite

Occupation: Magician and scientist

Special Talent: She wants to incorporate her magic into science

Place of Birth: Canterlot

Date of Birth/Sign: May 25, Gemini

Place of Residence: Canterlot

Cutie Mark: Cutie Mark

Voice: Voice

Personality/Background: Sunfire was always interest in science even as a young foal and it's no surprise she's a gifted unicorn as well considering her mother. She she was enrolled in Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns and showed great progress. Celestia gave her Twilight's old library so she can do her experiments, with permission of course, safely and responsibly.

Fun Facts: She frequently visit's Donut Joe's shop to get coffee. She has stayed up and did all nighters, but she's fine… probably. She can ramble on and on about her hypothesis's if asked about them.


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