
Here’s another overdue request that Vanilla_Beam Vanilla_Beam (who also drew the cover art) gave me before I closed requests for good.
This time we follow the misadventures of a little alien named Mynute, the last survivor of a team of aliens sent to explore the Earth (or whatever planet the Equestria Girls movies are set in), will he survive the encounters with several cute colorful giantesses? Let’s find out.


Diamond Tiara was proud of lots of things (certainly not of her mother though), but only now she was realizing what a pretty garden she truly had… all those days spent showing that she was the best truly prevented her from noticing the beauty around her, and with the good gardener that their family had there could only be a little enchanted kingdom around her house.
But as the pre-teen girl was still admiring nature, she noticed something that was far less pleasant to see: thousands and thousands of little bugs all gathered in what appeared to be a series of strange looking anthills, but the insects didn’t really look like ants… however, Diamond Tiara didn’t really check out what they truly were, because she was too busy screaming in horror.


The girl ran back inside desperately and on the verge of tears, not knowing the incredible truth behind the little things she had just seen…

The small creatures in Diamond Tiara’s garden were actually a race of aliens who looked pretty much like humans, but way much smaller. It was a very large crew of explorers and scientists who were there just to explore the planet, but their starship had been destroyed by accident and they had to build a colony in this world of giants and survive there until their call for help was intercepted by their planet.
Clearly they were already scared for the life since when they had found out that they were stranded on a world that was like a humongous version of their own, but they still hadn’t known the true fear of having one of the titanic aliens right in front of them.

Before Diamond Tiara’s arrival, the colony of aliens was just studying Earth vegetation and the smaller and harmless beings they had met, when suddenly… boom, boom, BOOM… the ground trembled beneath their feet several times, and each time the tremors got stronger and the thuds got louder… and after moments spent in a limbo between giving in to panic and trying to stay calm, a gigantic figure appeared.
She was a young pink skinned Earth girl with pretty fancy and expensive clothes and a shiny tiara on her head; she was looking at the environment around her with an almost meditative expression. She didn’t seem aggressive, but her size alone was enough to intimidate the little people a lot, and the crunching of destroyed vegetation that could be heard every time she took a loud and monstrous step didn’t help at all.

Then the giantess saw the “insects” invading her garden… after some blood chilling seconds that felt like centuries, she screamed with a deep and booming voice, stomping back to her house: “GAAAAAAAAH! DAAAD, THE GARDEN IS FULL OF BUGS!”

When she said that, most of the aliens were too busy running around in terror to even notice the amazing coincidence that she spoke exactly their same language. The huge beast thought they were parasites, they were doomed!
Some of the most mature tried to convince everyone else to calm down and take advantage of the fact that the giants seemed to speak their same language to try to communicate with her, but it was all in vain.
The only little alien who was neither panicking nor trying to be reasonable was a young intern in the crew named Mynute; he was quite far from the colony, exploring the strange world all alone (a rather imprudent act which was ironically going to save his life), and when he saw the giantess he was terrified too and he hid in a hole in the ground, which thankfully didn’t contain any animal, probably an abandoned little house.

Meanwhile, Diamond Tiara’s father Filthy Rich heard his daughter screaming and crying in horror and he immediately went to comfort her and promised to call an exterminator, something he did in a jiffy.
And while the little colony of tiny people still hadn’t decided what to do and Mynute was still hiding in the dark, an exterminator got to the huge house of the Rich family without wasting any time.

More booming footsteps were heard, and then a way much scarier giant appeared in front of the dumbfounded aliens: he had no face, everything that could make him look remotely like a human being was covered by a costume that included a creepy looking mask that made him look like some kind of monster. And to make matters worse, he was holding what definitely looked like… a weapon.
Needless to say, panic rose even higher in the colony, even many of the calmest scientists were now overwhelmed by fear and terror, and it all got even worse when the scary giant pulled the trigger of his weapon and shot a huge cloud of gas right towards the aliens.
No one could escape the cloud of death (except for Mynute since luckily the poison didn’t get into his tiny hole), and all those who inhaled it immediately felt unable to breathe… their lives flashed before their eyes and they thought about their loved ones, it was the end of the line. And it felt surprisingly peaceful once the sense of suffocation and the foul taste in their mouths were gone.

“Alright Mr. Rich, you shouldn’t have any more problems with bug colonies now. This poison is very powerful for bugs but overall harmless for vegetation. Contact us if you see your garden is still infested.”

“I will, thank you very much” Filthy Rich said shaking the hand of the exterminator.

As that dialogue was taking place, Mynute was carefully coming out of his hiding place while the poison was vanishing in the air. After he made sure it was all clear, he ran towards the colony… and saw the most terrifying and disheartening scenery he had ever seen.
Every single companion of his was dead, the ground was full of corpses, some still had a grimace of terror, pain and lack of breath, while others almost looked like they were sleeping a resigned and eternal sleep… it was too much for Mynute, who got down on his knees and screamed at the sky as loud as he could.

After spending an eternity weeping and walking like a zombie through the devastated landscape, the tiny humanoid alien eventually reached the end of the garden and saw the gigantic fence that delimited the garden.
He hesitated right there for a while, looking at the blurred top that reminded him of how enormous this new world was, shivering at the thought of what other giants could be waiting for him on the other side… but he had no choice, staying in that horrible and dangerous place full of his dead companions was not an option, so he took several deep breath and walked through a hole in the fence that was large enough for him.

On the other side of the wall, there was a radically different environment: no longer green trees all around, but a grey and solid ground that seemed to go on for miles and miles… Mynute found it rather depressing, but soon enough he started to feel terror again when he saw what looked like a gigantic starship (but it used wheels instead of flying) pass by at an incredible speed, roaring like a monster… clearly he would have been run over and destroyed of he had been on that giant vehicle’s way! And then a few more of them passed, so Mynute learned in what part of the immense street he had to walk on if he didn’t want to be hit by those horrible things.
He just walked for what felt like hours, still feeling extremely anxious, even because if that wasn’t where the vehicles passed, perhaps there could still be giants walking by, risking to crush him beneath a humongous foot, either by accident or on purpose.

After so much walking going seemingly nowhere, Mynute started to feel not only tired but also rather hungry. And just for once, his prayers seemed to be heard by someone up there, because after some more walking he saw a large piece of bread abandoned on the road.
There were several little black creatures with six legs and antennas biting pieces off the bread, but Mynute had met similar things before and he knew they weren’t dangerous as long as he didn’t bother them, in fact he even befriended a few of them and managed to pat them on the head. So he looked for free spots on the loaf of bread and took as many pieces as he could. It was a bit stale and hard to chew, but in his current state anything edible was truly delicious for Mynute’s little stomach.

When the tiny alien was done eating, he was about to move on and keep searching for a safer spot, when suddenly… boom, boom, BOOM… those horrible earthquakes again! And they were almost as intense as those made by the faceless killer, so it had to be a rather big giant, and it was coming right towards Mynute and all the black creatures!
The gigantic creature appeared blurred on the horizon, then in just a few seconds he could see it more clearly: it was a female giant, with yellow skin and long pink hair. She actually looked surprisingly beautiful, she had a really cute face and an innocent smile and nearly everything about her looked incredibly graceful and adorable, including the white fluffy rabbit she held in her arms, the sweet melody she was humming… except for her footsteps of course, every time one of her green and white boots touched the ground, Mynute was afraid a giant crack could open in the ground and “swallow” him, not to mention the horrible fate he could meet if he was stepped on!
But on the other hand, that really looked like a friendly giantess, maybe she could help him if he managed to get her attention…

“I know you don’t like going to the vet, Angel, but trust me, this will be very quick. And think about all the cute animals we might see… aww, I can’t wait!”

Hearing that made Mynute feel even more hopeful, so he started to wave his arm, jump up and down and yell at the top of his lungs hoping that the giant’s ears would be sensitive enough to hear him, or that she would look down and notice a bug that looked peculiar and different from the others…
But the giantess never changed her expression and she just kept looking right ahead, and her terrifying feet were starting to get dangerously close… until Mynute actually saw a deadly sole looming over him.
He ran as fast as he could along with his black little friends, the colossal boot came down with a rumbling noise above him, and then… BOOOOOM, the cute giantess’ foot touched the ground, making the entire world shake and missing Mynute by a hair. But sadly, he couldn’t say the same about many of his six legged friends, who got squashed and killed by the oblivious humming giantess, and even what remained of the bread was destroyed by the monstrous boot.
When the foot moved to take another step, Mynute saw countless destroyed bodies of the friendly Earth creature, some on the asphalt and some still stuck to the giant sole… it was too much to stomach, the alien ran away from there crying and screaming.

When Mynute was far enough from the walking Titan, he resumed walking at a slower pace, panting and whimpering, feeling completely alone and hopeless once again. And he couldn’t even rest for long enough, because soon he heard the boom-boom of approaching giant feet again…
It was another giant girl, she had a black leather jacket, red and yellow hair and black and purple boots. She looked quite friendly too, but instead of humming she just looked focused on her own thoughts. In her right arm she was holding some book and a pencil, and in her left hand she was holding a little bottle of water.

“Oh dear, so many miles without a bench?” The giant beast sighed with her deep and echoing voice. “Oh well, no one will mind if I sit on the ground…”

Mynute found himself engulfed by her shadow as the giantess brought her bottom lower and lower with a rumble, and she could crush him beneath her skirt if he wasn’t fast!
The alien jumped out of the way with agility as the giantess practically let herself fall on the ground and her nice behind made the world shake and unleashed a huge cloud of dust, KABOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!
Mynute fell and couldn’t get up until the apocalyptic earthquake finally stopped, and it seemed to go on for years. When everything was finally more stable, he got up and looked at the sitting giantess, who had put her bottle besides her and was writing something on her book, which was probably some kind of journal by the look of it.
The little alien didn’t know what to do now… again, she didn’t look dangerous, but still if she noticed him she could mistake him for a bug, and that was certainly something that Mynute didn’t want to happen with someone so incredibly huge. Still, he had to admit she was quite beautiful, and as absurd as that sounded maybe her size somehow increased her beauty…
While Mynute was mulling over these thoughts, the giant girl grabbed her bottle (even her delicate hand made some kind of roaring sound as it moved) and took a sip of water a bit clumsily, spilling some of it… right on the alien.

Mynute saw some huge drops of water fall from the sky like bombs from an airplane, threatening to either drown him or kill him with the impact, so he did the only wise thing he could think of and ran like Hell!
A drop of water hit the ground and exploded behind him, creating a wave of water that nearly caught him, then another water bomb burst besides him urging him to change direction, and then one more exploded right in front of him! Unable to escape, Mynute got run over by a wave of water that nearly filled his lungs, but thankfully he survived although he was a bit dazed.
He just lay down for a little while, glad that no more drops of water were falling, almost not realizing that the giantess had finished her writing and was getting up to resume her walking, but reality quickly slapped him in the face when he saw a humongous sole descending on him!
Mynute felt too weak to run fast enough to get out of the foot’s way, he felt it come closer in slow motion rumbling like the stomach of a huge beast… and then it got him, preventing him from moving as it hit the ground, BOOOOOOOOM!

The unfortunate little creature kept his eyes closed, thinking that he was about to go to the afterlife and meet his dead mates… but much to his own surprise, he found out that not only he was still alive (although there was a lot of pressure between the heavy foot and the asphalt and he could hardly breathe), but the surface over him was surprisingly squishy and sticky.
Then the foot moved again.
Mynute went up with the giant boot, completely stuck to the strange substance on the sole of the giantess, screaming in terror and feeling like his stomach was about to come out of his mouth. He went higher and higher until the boot started to descend again and collided with the earth again, causing another massive earthquake, and Mynute was right in the core of it.
That horrible experience repeated itself again and again for what felt like a lifetime, until the environment changed, instead of a floor or asphalt there was soft green grass crunching beneath the giant boot. The ride of terror stopped as the giantess sat down somewhere, then the foot went up and just hung in the air, then Mynute saw a giant twig coming towards him, its tip dug into the squishy surface and eventually it came off along with his tiny body and he fell down, luckily the landing was quite soft thanks to the grass and the gum and it didn’t hurt too much.

“Ah, much better!” The huge girl said as she stood up and stomped away, leaving Mynute alone in the jungle of grass struggling to get off the sticky pink stuff.

When the alien finally got himself free, he had no choice but to explore the area. It looked pretty similar to the place where he and the other aliens had landed, but there were many more giant trees, and interestingly they all looked pretty much the same, they were all full of large red fruits, probably ready to get collected and eaten by giant creatures… a thought that made Mynute feel really anxious.
And after just a short break from his torment, the earthquakes came back again.
This time it was a blonde giantess with a Stetson hat who was carrying a basket. Like the two previous giants, Mynute couldn’t help finding her quite beautiful with her long hair, her cute freckles and her big green eyes, but again each BOOM caused by her cowboy boots and the crunching sound of trampled plants made him face the harsh reality again.

The giantess stomped closer and closer until the strength of her steps made Mynute nearly unable to stand, then she put her basket at the shadow of one of the trees and suddenly kicked the same tree with an astonishing force screaming “YEE-HAW!”
Many of the giant fruits fell from the tree, most of them fell into the basket but some slammed on the ground causing even more tremors, one of them even rolled menacingly in front of Mynute, who had to leap out of its way not to get run over.
The alien sighed in relief when he realized he was safe again, but then he looked towards the titan and saw her wiping the sweat away from her forehead… and the sweat was about to fall right on him.

“Oh no, not again!” Mynute spontaneously cried (without being heard of course) as he started to run for his life.

He heard a liquid explosion behind him and several smaller drops rained on his head, and several other bombs of sweat fell around him, sometimes missing him by a hair, luckily those drops were smaller than the one from the giant bottle so this time the little alien could keep running without nearly drowning once again.
His run went on and on, he wasn’t even sure where he wanted to go anymore, he only knew that he had to keep moving if he didn’t want to die horribly… though he was starting to have the nagging feeling that maybe death would have been the most merciful fate for him.

After hours of walking with a blank mind, Mynute saw another giantess, this time without having to hear her booming footsteps of doom, because she was lying on some kind of couch (where did she get that from?), sunbathing blissfully. She was probably the most beautiful giant so far, her skin was white and her hair were blue and perfectly cared for, and her neat make up made her eyes look wonderful even though they were closed.
But one detail that caught Mynute’s attention was one of her delicate hands hanging and nearly touching the ground, with some effort he could touch it… was that worth a try? He wasn’t sure, she was quite certainly going to mistake him for a bug, but again he had lost certainty of wanting to survive. So he walked towards the huge hand, took a leap and hit it.
At first the colossus just mumbled and didn’t make much of it, but then Mynute hit her hand a few more times… and she snapped.

“Oh my GOODNESS! Can’t a lady just have some rest?! What is causing this?”

She looked down at the spot where the source of that funny feeling appeared to be located and gasped very loudly. “GOODNESS GRACIOUS! What kind of bug is this?! Urgh, doesn’t matter, I’d better SQUASH it before it starts crawling on me!”

And with that said, the colossal and beautiful girl put her feet down on the ground, creating a BOOMING earthquake that could only mean that her elegant purple boots were hell bent on stomping on Mynute, who instinctively started to run again despite what he was thinking a little while ago.
The gigantic foot looming over the running little man was like a solar eclipse, it roared like a dragon as it moved closer, the heel touched the ground first with a surprising grace, making a pretty soft boom and a relatively tame but still intimidating tremor, then the rest of the foot came down as well as Mynute kept running…
He felt the tip of the shoe scraping his back as the earth trembled again beneath him, but not enough to make him trip luckily.

“Aww, where are you going, little darling? Now be a good bug and come under my foot!”

Mynute couldn’t believe how cruel that pretty giantess was acting with her mocking cooing… he felt tears running down his face and falling in the area where the beautiful monster was going to put her enormous foot, which brought down entire “forests” and probably kept missing Mynute at the next few attempts just to play with him and torment him even more.

“Well, this has been more fun than I thought, but now it’s time to end this. Say hello to my fabulous boot, insect!”

This time the giantess raised her foot much higher, clearly getting ready to stomp it down much faster. Mynute knew running was pointless this time, so he just laid down, bawling his eyes out and surrendering to his fate as the foot roared through the air like an incoming atomic bomb…


Even though there was no sticky substance on the sole of the girl… Mynute survived. He found himself in the groove between the heel and the ball of the foot as the huge beast grounded her foot on the ground to make sure she had destroyed him, the movement generating more monstrous noises and digging a crater in the ground.
The foot got up again, letting Mynute see the light of day. The girl was still convinced she had trampled the “bug”, so she checked her sole to wipe away the remains of the little monster, but, much with her own surprise, she didn’t find anything…

Meanwhile, the tiny person got up and looked at the huge crater left by the giantess… to an Earth person it was just a regular footprint, but to him it was a pretty deep hole which was also incredibly wide, and it reminded him of how small, helpless and alone he was in a world of giants.
Still feeling dizzy because of the overwhelming tremors, he tried to get away from there, but he tripped and fell into the huge print again, feeling waterfalls of tears running down his face once more.
Then he felt another vibration, like the giantess was kneeling down… he looked up and saw her huge, shiny blue eyes with long eyelashes looking at him with a very surprised look.

“Wait… you… you’re not a bug! What are you?” She gasped again and put a hand on her mouth “No… you… you can’t be… a human!”

Feeling a glimpse of hope in his heart after so much time, Mynute finally spoke to an inhabitant of the giant world face to face: “Y-yes! I come from a planet where we all look pretty much like you but… we’re all this small compared to you!”

The expression on the giantess’ face started to change even more and her eyes started to leak. “I… I shouldn’t be too shocked with all the things I’ve seen recently, but… oh my goodness, I almost stomped on a tiny man! I’m such a monster!”

She started to sob softly, suddenly looking strangely helpless and hurt despite her huge size. A tear fell dangerously close to Mynute with a loud splash and even got him wet a little. “Hey, watch it lady, your tears almost drowned me! And please don’t feel guilty, I know you thought I was a vermin, I don’t blame you!”

The gigantic girl dried her eyes and mumbled: “I… I’m glad to hear that. Still, I’m truly sorry for scaring you so much!”

Her enormous hand came down with a slight rumble like some kind of white starship, inviting Mynute to jump on it, and he did. It was the softest and most comfortable place he had ever sat on… the skin was smooth and soft like pure silk and it also smelled really good, clearly she took very good care of her beautiful body.
And as the hand moved and gently got higher and higher, Mynute couldn’t feel any vertigo, he just felt cradled and safe, sometimes almost swimming in the warm wrinkles in the white skin.
When the hand reached the face of the giantess, the alien noticed even more than he did before how incredibly charming she was, perhaps because she was actually smiling at him in an affectionate way; her eyes were still a bit moist, but that only made them brighter than they normally were.

“I’m Rarity. What’s your name?”

“I… I’m Mynute.”

“Mynute? Aww, that’s a cute name! And… my gosh, how could I not notice how cute you are too?”

Squeeing in a goofy and adorable way, Rarity got her face much closer to the tiny man and rubbed her nose and her cheek all over him, and as she screamed in delight her squeaky yet deep voice nearly blew him away.

“Hahahah, easy miss Rarity, that tickles, and your voice is, well, very loud to me!”

“Oh, sorry, but it’s hard for me to stay calm in front of a precious little thing such as you!” She even moved not too carefully, sometimes making Mynute bounce on her soft hand. “Besides, it’s nice to imagine what a humongous giant I must be to you… who knows how I look as a giant, would I be scarier? Prettier? Both?”

She gently poked Mynute with her huge index finger. Her fingertip was just as smooth as all the rest and it was nearly as big as the alien was. Then she did something a bit funny and put her index and middle finger on her palm, making them look like a pair of very tall legs, and then she even made the fingers/legs “walk” and stomp around the little man.

“Fee, fi, fo, fum, I’ll step on you, little guy!”

Mynute played along and tried to escape from the giant fingers that were trying to step on him, but the space was limited and it was hard to run on such a squishy and unstable surface, so a finger/foot eventually caught him.

“Gotcha, little bug! Mwahahahah!”

The same fingertip that “crushed” him started to tickle him, making him laugh at the top of his lungs until his eyes nearly got wet “HAHAHAH, OK, ENOUGH, HAHAHAH, YOU- YOU WIN, HAHAHAAAAHHAAH!”

Rarity giggled “Of course you do, little darling. By the way… where are your companions? How are you going to go home?”

“Well… if you don’t mind, I’d rather tell you later, it’s a long and rather tragic story… maybe a starship from my planet should arrive in about one week, I can describe you the place where I landed, they’ll probably land there since that’s where we sent the signal to my planet.”

“Oh, I see. Well, until then I can take care of you, little darling! It’ll be a pleasure for me! Don’t worry Mynute, Rarity will take good care of you!”

The giantess held Mynute to her extremely soft, warm and squishy chest, giving him a very good feeling of relaxation, finally after so many troubles he could have some well-deserved rest, and he had found hope to go back home safely again.


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