Surely, it could’ve been worse for someone who weighed over 1,200 pounds. Though her breathing was slow and daunting with all the weight pressing down on her chest, it really wasn’t all that difficult. And while most of her time is spent in bed feeling tired and lethargic, she didn’t feel any less healthy.
Some may see this as a blessing. But Fluttershy knew better.
She used to watch in horror every time her freshly bloated stomach shrank back down while a new layer of fat rose up beneath her skin, over and over again. But as her days turned into weeks of empty calories coursing through her system, she realized there was really nothing she could do about her delicately slender body swelling and expanding into its own prison. It wasn’t long before she lost the will, the energy, or even the care to do anything else. Her only concern left was to keep herself shut away and succumb to her cravings.
In just a little over a month, as her bones grew too weary and her muscles too sore from her own sheer mass, every ache that weighed down on her body soon became a dull pain. Now a mountain of flesh, bedridden for however long she must endure, there was only one thing on Fluttershy’s mind…
“Um… Angel?” She muttered through her cumbersome jowls as her squinted eyes looked down at her pet rabbit.
But Angel paid no mind, choosing to rather rest himself atop the cushiony soft chest of his owner.
Becoming desperate to keep her beastly belly happy, Fluttershy slowly raised up her stubby hand. The simple task took such a great effort from her, but she needed to wake her friend up now. Thankfully, Angel opened up his eyes just in time to his owner struggling.
“Oh, good… You’re awake…” Fluttershy breathed heavily. “I hate to bother you… but…”
With no further explanation needed, Angel rolled his eyes before hopping off of Fluttershy’s breasts and over her massive belly. As he made his way out the bedroom door, he looked back at her with a look of concern.
Fluttershy hated to see him like this, but she couldn’t help herself. “I’m sorry… I’m just so hungry,” she pleaded between shallow breaths.
She watched as Angel turned away and continued on to the kitchen to fetch her parents. She then looked down further to see her immensely huge belly, almost swearing it was steadily growing right before her eyes.
She sighed. In the back of her mind, she knew she wanted all this to stop before she got any bigger, if that was even possible at this point. But another part of her just wanted more…
Fluttershy — 1234 lbs