Special Talent: She uses her magic to create potions
Place of Birth: Crystal Empire
Date of Birth/Sign: August 20, Leo
Place of Residence: Crystal Empire
Cutie Mark: Cutie Mark
Voice: Voice
Personality/Background: Potion dusk is great at magic, no doubt about that, but she was very much interested in alchemy. She uses her magic to help her with her studies and what she can accomplish. When she was in school she was very outgoing and when she noticed Northern Crystal kind of follow her around she ignored it for the longest time, until she finally asked him. "Do you wanna hang out?" And that was that.
Fun Facts: She takes pride in her potions and is always eager to show them off. She does use her magic and does practice magic, but it's not her main priority. She does speak for North when he doesn't want to talk and will whisper to her.