
Introducing Smokey! Smokey was given to Poor Baby when Baby was still a kid, around the time she got her cutie mark. Poor Baby was working as a courier of sorts in Manehattan and was given the egg to deliver to a private collector of rare creatures and natural artifacts! Baby realized that Smokeys egg was none other than a dragon egg and couldn't bring herself to give a sentient creature to a collector to be kept. She ran from Manehattan and was able to get Smokeys egg to hatch with the help of a unicorn who produced magical fire for her!

Baby tried to find Smokeys parents for a long time but was never able to figure out who she belonged to and ended up keeping her, forming a special big sister bond with her similair to Twilight and Spikes relationship! They've never traveled back to Manehattan but instead travel around Equestria doing odd jobs and making a living however they can! Baby has learned a lot from library books in order to take care of Smokey as best as she can.

Smokey has a very sassy personality and is a bit of a "I told you so" kind of dragon. She helps baby make money and is often the voice of reason for Poor Baby, even being so much younger than her. She doesn't produce flame often but does create a lot of dark gray smoke that they can and have used to make quick escapes.


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