Emperor Bigpip with his unicorn husband have come across an abandoned settlement, which was a walled residence 64x64 meter wide, on the west side of a river. Constructed on the north coast in temperate forest of the Rimworld of Acrab. The settlement hed three bedrooms, one big and two small. A cooler room, kitchen, dinning room, recreation room and research room, as well as two empty rooms. The abandoned settlement left some things to be desired like a communication console or storage room for example. Bigpip with Harmonious Percussion didn't have any resources with them, however they did have good equipment on their person. One jump pack and a orbital power beam targeter, with an masterwork regular assult rifle and normal quality inciendary assult rifle. Bigpip wore good quality exoskeleton armor and his husband wore excelent quality exoskeleton armor. They both wore a gunlink and jewery around their necks.
Making the abandoned settlement their new temporaly home, they modified it to suit their needs, adding new rooms and assembly machinery. The reason for occupying this walled residence was to recruit pirates and ponies in order to settle the coast for their empire. When they saw a strange unidentified object land in a temperate forest, next to a tropical rainforest. Bigpip with Harmonious Percussion fueled their improvised airship and flew over the unidentified object. Landing, they saw it was an alien ship, with mechines patroling around it. Both of them used their strongest spell, the poppi spell. Conjuring cute creatures who started tearing the machines apart. It wasn't enough, the machines put up a good fight and almost killed Bigpip. However Harmonious Percussion saved him. That day, they learned that they are up against a tough enemy immune to inciendary weapons. They scrapped the ship for parts. Hoping another of these would not land, another ended up landing anyways. This time they were prepared. They both flew with balistic assault rifles and have both learned a new albeit weaker conjuring spell. Which would end up helping, however combining it with the poppi spell would exhaust them mentaly, since they were casting two complex spells in short time. However they did manage to defeat the alien machines.
After recruiting some people, they begun establishing outposts on the temperate coast. creating a hunting outpost, farming outpost, mining outpost, gem mining outpost and a factory complex. However not all was good. Human pirates have tried to raid the settlement multiple times, not managing to kill anypony, only cause property damage. During their stay, three ponies have died a preventable death. Two were killed by the plague, something that Bigpip could have prevented, since he has a ability to slightly accelerate natural healing and immunity. However, Bigpip was quick to forget their death, since as an alicorn who lived for a long time. He was mostly desensitized to witnessing others die. A third pony was murdered by one of the prisoners, who were to be recruited. For this crime, the pirate prisoner was executed.
After they hed enough resources and people, they started to build a railway to connect the settlement, as well as the new outposts to the rest of the Anocratic empire. After all of this a chemical disaster of sorts must have happened somewhere, because a fallout of toxic dust has started blowing across the walled residence they were residing in for the time being. Since none of them hed protective equipment for filtering out toxic dust. Because of this, Bigpip and Harmonious Percussion have decided to return to their proper duties as the head of state and secretary respectively.