
A cute little trio!
And if you can't tell, the trio are triplets!

They're just random OCs I made while I'm bored. I don't know why I drew this instead of another Episode 2 scene, but whatever. My brain always tries to find a way to waste my time. Also, I can't believe I drew this myself. Like, this of this quality! My future self wouldn't even recognize that it was drawn by me—it's ridiculous!

Now, I've been thinking of making another series since next gens won't be able to sustain my account for too long (TNS will actually run for a while though). My heart has been set on these trio as protagonists, or atleast one of the members. It might work like The Chronicles where it focuses on one character, but instead of non-linear random images, this'll be a full-on series. Of course, this is just a concept, but it could be a series someday. Not right now, though. If my account ever blows up (which isn't too likely, but i'll just hope that'll happen) then this'll surely be a series.

Otherwise, these are the character names and descriptions:

The Unicorn: Sugar Iris (She's dramatic and bubbly. She also has a sarcastic side, but that only comes out when she's frustrated with somepony or something. She dreams to be an actor someday. Sugar is infamous with her crushes with multiple boys.)
The Pegasus: Ink Iris (or Inky Iris)(He's bold and athletic. His flying skills is on parr with top filly flyers! Because of his skills and attitude, he dreams to be a member of the Wonderbolts. However, his academics tell a different story.)
The Earth Pony: Purple Iris (She's fairly intelligent and social. She has plenty of friends and is a popular filly, however, she likes to keep to herself. She doesn't even like parties! What she doesn't like are her siblings. They're practically annoying her silence with non-sense! Purple wishes to be a lawyer or somepony working under justice.)

I'd like to call these guys the Iris trio because of their last names. If you're wondering, yes, they do have parents. None have disappeared or died.

I guess that's all for now.


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