Violetta: "Hey guys, Violetta here… can't believe I just undid all those years of work for this livestream, but here I am."
Ruby: "Hehe, she's a little out of sorts. No matter though, we'll be fixing that before long! And that's because this stream is a grow-a-thon collab! We'll be streaming and growing all day for your entertainment and viewing pleasure, playing all sorts of games that you're all sure to enjoy."
Violetta: "But, more importantly, this is a competition. We'll be taking in lots of audience suggestions and input for our growth, so if you could all do a girl a favor and get these girls back to how big they used to be, or maybe even bigger, that would be great! After all, I didn’t give up that pair you all know and love only to lose now.”
Ruby: "So, without any further delay, let's get started!"
Vote below for which part of the girls you’d like to see grow [](