*“Hello there…” Fluttershy called out. His shadow drenched them all in darkness, but he did not move save for his subtle, heavy breaths. His chest rose and fell. His arms did the same, hands still tightened into fists.
“My name is Fluttershy… and these are my friends,” the Titan Whisperer declared, holding out her hoof to the group of ponies behind her. Her hoof suddenly shot skyward. “We came from those ships in the sky. You know those flying ships… don’t you?”
Kong’s response was a fierce snort. Nodding, Fluttershy said, “I’d like to apologize… for what’s happened to your island. All those years ago, and even today… my species have made mistakes when it came to your kingdom. I want you to understand that we are not here to threaten you… or to hurt you. We want you to care for your safety, as we want to care for our own.”
His sneer had flattened, and Kong was slowly letting his agitation cool considerably. It was the strangest he had felt in a long, long time. For a time, he had closed off his heart the same way he closed off his island to all invaders, no matter their intentions. Never once allowing his guard to fall when a Skullcrawler, or worse, could just as easily take him with his back turned. Never once letting another speak to him in such a way that felt… calm.
The only other memory of which he could relate it to were of his family. His father. His mother…
Calm. Kinship. Peace, order, love… these were things he believed were impossible now. Yet every time he heard her voice, he was reminded of a time when all of these things were possible, and so much more. It allowed the cloud to leave his mind, his vision, and see the bright, calming smile grace the Pegasus’ lips.
Fluttershy said, “That old base near the lake… a lot of my friends are there with those flying ships. I can promise that we will not go out seeking conflict with you. We will gracefully leave you in peace once our work is finished here… but for that to happen… there needs to be peace. Can you do that for us? Can there be peace?”
He made no sort of sound she could distinguish as a tangible response. It took a moment, but Fluttershy soon recognized the pattern Kong let slip through his body features. His breathing slowing down, his lips twitching more frequently, the flicker in his dark, orange-yellow eyes. She saw deeper than that, took a step closer and saw his face even trying to hide in the shadows. She saw deep enough.
“It’s been so long since someone’s talked to you… hasn’t it?”
A soft, sad sigh left his lips. Elongated, showing the great weight he was releasing when her question struck further than just his ears. It was telling for everypony present, and their defenses lowered considerably. Even Shining found the magic around his hilt to be fading, his wife’s hoof gripping his own tighter and tighter.
His sigh was followed up by a forceful huff, causing Lyra to yelp and duck behind Bon Bon.
“It’s okay…” Fluttershy said, to Kong and perhaps her friends. She almost laughed. “I can keep talking if you want me to. And… if you’d like… I can come visit you from time to time.”
More murmurs and grunts rumbled in the back of his throat. His stance changed from threatening to somewhat at ease, his shoulders loosening and his expression seeming a lot less tight. Nopony else spoke Kong, but they had a feeling those sounds were very reassuring, filled with hearty approval.
“But you have to promise me… as I promised you…” Fluttershy added, resting a hoof over her heart. “We are not here to threaten you… so do not come seeking conflict with us. You do that, you keep the peace… and I can come see you as much as you’d like. I can tell you stories… and you can tell me some of yours. Whatever you’d like. How does that sound?”
His lips parted and another sigh left him, filled with much less weight. It felt more like a calming exhale if anything, a thankful grunt added to the end of it. His curiosity didn’t seem to end, as did hers. Everypony’s eyes were slowly drawn away from the towering ape and shifted instead to the Pegasus standing in front of them.
Watching as she lifted up her hoof to him.
And instinctively, they all proceeded to back away slowly once Kong dipped his head down to her.
Not too fast to startle him, but not too slow so they could at least be cautious about whatever was going to happen. They could take no chances, but Shining soon found himself stopping. As did Cadance. Along with the rest, one by one, until they witnessed the mighty King of Black Skull Island come face to face with one of their own.
To their shock, to their disbelief, with smiles growing from one face to the other, they watched Kong lean down into her touch. Her hoof pressed gently onto his upper lip, gingerly caressing the hairs, shivering lightly under his breaths. Fluttershy gasped, unable to contain her smile. Unable to hide the joy in her eyes that she gratefully shared with her new friend.
The gasp of her breath on his lip made him shiver in return, and the pony giggled. His fists fell into open palms. His eyes met her own.
“Nice to finally meet you,” Fluttershy whispered, giving him that warming, gentle smile. His grunts made her giggle, and she said, “You’re very welcome.”*
**Fluttershy ©️ Hasbro
Kong ©️ Legendary**