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> When I started drawing, my biggest inspiration was newspaper comics. I enjoyed all the classics and wanted to be one like them. But circumstances changed as I grew older and I fell out of it. Now, I see a few people in the art communities I frequent making comics and… well, I kind of want to see if I can still have the touch.
> A Peony and Salute comic is something I've been thinking about forever. However, I am scatterbrained and don't think I could explore and write out their lives in a linear fashion. So I added the Relationship Status to point out just where they are in the road that will eventually bring them together. While Salute is still fairly new to the company, he tries to treat everyone with respect and join in celebrating their achievements. In that, he goes out of his way to make sure even the loner lightshow designer gets a chance to express her well wishes. Well, she's got wishes to express, alright.
> A Peony and Salute comic is something I've been thinking about forever. However, I am scatterbrained and don't think I could explore and write out their lives in a linear fashion. So I added the Relationship Status to point out just where they are in the road that will eventually bring them together. While Salute is still fairly new to the company, he tries to treat everyone with respect and join in celebrating their achievements. In that, he goes out of his way to make sure even the loner lightshow designer gets a chance to express her well wishes. Well, she's got wishes to express, alright.
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