
On a normal day, a caravan of ponies travel from Ponyville with the aim of reaching Appleoosa, each one with their own goal and reason for the trip. Though the trip takes a turn for the worse when a slight detour leads them into the Badlands with no way of returning to the main roads of Equestria. The party now must find another way to reach their destination in this odd and foreign realm, the only thing they can see in the distance over the large mountainsides are large stone towers emitting aura at the top.

This is where our journey begins…


(As for when, I’m still writing stuff, I’m gonna try and start the game somewhere into the middle or late next week.

If you all would like to start doing some speculation/headcannons on the game, lore so far, characters, etc., please leave comments in my asks, I thrive on that kinda stuff :D )


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