
I'm making new OCs faster than I can do anything else. Upside, though, having a full crew for the ship in my webcomic will be useful for when I actually get past the introduction.
Name: Melon Slice.
Age: Adult.
Race: Earth pony.
Special talent: growing fruits.
Melon Slice is one of the botanists for the I.S.S Harmony. Since nearly all of the crew members have vegetarian diets, it's vital that ships in the Equestrian Befriender space fleet have an efficient botanical garden, so having good botanists is critical. Because of this, Melon Slice is very efficient at keeping the ship's plant-life healthy, especially the fruits.

Melon is very goofy, and rather childlike in her behaviour most of the time. Sometimes she thinks she annoys ponies sometimes with her apparent naivety, and she wonders if maybe she really bothers them, but then somepony tries to hide a smile when she cartwheels in front of them to stop them accidentally stepping on a flowerbed, and it reassures her that even if she can be silly they don't really mind.
Melon Slice also has trouble with volume control. She can't always tell whether or not she's shouting, and it can get her in minor trouble when she starts yelling about the new, more nutritious kind of coconut she and the other botanists have bred.


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