> Lost in the Dream
> I'm actually real proud of this piece! ;w;
> Luci is so fun to draw aaaaaaa I miss drawing ponies! [Princess Luna (hmm…) plz](https://luckreza8.deviantart.com/art/Princess-Luna-hmm-plz-528081440)
> I just saw the trailer for the new My Little Pony movie and I thought it would be rubbish and ruin it, but I'm actually in love with it already! >w<
> I can't stop listening to 'Open up your Eyes'! Seriously, Tempest Shadow has to be one of my favourite ponies already! She's got such a beautiful voice! /)///u///(\
> oh buns i've got art trades and stuff to do qAq
> **Lucid Dream — Me
> MLP — Hasbro**