Born to Silly


Lars awoke in the dark, she didn't need to look at her cell phone to tell what time it was. It was sometime after midnight and before five am and the room was hot. Throwing off the covers she rolled off the sweat-soaked sheets and onto the dry side of the bed. Flipping her pillow over to the dry side didn't help either, the heat was in the very air saturating the bed, the room, and everything around her.

Frowning as the dry side of the sheets quickly began to grow damp as her body rolled onto them. Mentally cursing she gave up on the battle of sleep and kicked her legs off the bed and stood in the darkness of her room. Crossing over to the windows she threw open the blackout curtains and cracked the window letting the cold air flow in around her in slow waves. The tantalizing chill made her shiver and brought a smile to her face as the heat wave that had taken over her small apartment was vanquished. Hands gripping the wooden lip she threw the window the rest of the way open and spread her arms wide letting the blast of frigid air wash over her body causing small good prickles to form over her chest.

The slow reduction in heat was soothing and for a moment was blissfully content as the cold washed in around her. Then the cold clamped down in an iron fist, the beads of sweat clinging to her fur suddenly chilled uncomfortably. Her arms came up wrapping around her exposed breasts, her nipples stiffening under the cold. Shivering she stamped her hooves arms snapping out to close the window and stop the freezing onslaught.

She was about to throw herself into the bed only stopping as her hand touched the sweat soaked sheets. Snarling she ground her teeth and grabbed her spare blanket from the closet and clopped her way to the living room. Wrapping herself into the folds of the blanket Lars threw herself onto the couch and tried to blow out a breath. Frowning she brushed at her nose, it took a few huffs to clear out her nostrils causing her to frown. That wasn't right, shaking her head she shivered trying to regain some of the lost heat from moments before.

And then the heat started to roll back in, a burning sensation slowly spreading out from her chest and settling in her lungs. Twitching her freezing legs to try and get circulation going again she loosed a low groan, already spreading the blanket as she felt herself begin to perspire.

Frowning she cursed throwing her head back as her body began to war with itself.


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