Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Barhandar on image #3065260


Why y'all've'nt considered [spoiler]making porter bot set sources and[/spoiler] looking at derpi for who uploaded it and then tagging it as such?

Because it's not beginner art. "Beginner art" implies desire for improvement. Drawing pretty much same thing seven times is the opposite of desire for improvement.
No reason given
Edited by Barhandar

Why have y'all've'nt considered [spoiler]making porter bot set sources and[/spoiler] looking at derpi for who uploaded it and then tagging it as such?

Because it's not beginner art. "Beginner art" implies desire for improvement.
No reason given
Edited by Barhandar

Why have y'all've'nt considered [spoiler]making porter bot set sources and[/spoiler] looking at derpi for who uploaded it and then tagging it as such?

Because it's not beginner art. "Beginner art" implies desire for improvement.
No reason given
Edited by Barhandar