W- I'd never pass up a free ale, never in a million moons! Heh, like this place already.. but I do have one question.. where exactly am I? Might have gotten a bit lost after I well, lost, my map heh heh..
?- Ahah! Well, you've found yourself in Twin Burros, at the foot of the Twin Peaks, just North of Dodge City.. Where were ya headed?
W- Mhhh, anywhere… maybe just out of the rain? Guess I didn't really need that map after all… -Anyway where's that warm ale you promised?!
?- A course, lass, a course! Names Barley Raze by the way, can I ask yours?
W- Whisper Step~
A few bits lighter and a few drinks heavier, the bar keep, Barley, offers up a warm meal. The drink is sweet and savoring the flavor over further conversation with the keep isn't a bad idea. All the same you overhear a more lively mare at one of the tables shouting about fighting some beast and barely surviving, as well as her intention to go back to its lair, for some reason… Sat with aching legs and a chill still slowly warming off your spine by the warmth of the tavern, you ponder what to do next.