
> She was done.
> Frankly, the breaking point had been coming for a long time. One false rumour there, a banishment then, an assassination attempt there, and all of it was for nothing.
> Princess Celestia of the sun was known for being perfect, she knew she wasn't, but no matter what she pleaded, they would not listen. Her little citizens refused to see her as anything other than perfect, or if you chose the other side, a weak, pathetic, old Alicorn who depended on her unicorn student to do all the heavy lifting.
> No matter what side her citizens took, they were wrong. She had been suffering in silence for years. She held back her magic to avoid a situation such as the one she currently found herself in happening. The snap. She held back to keep control over her bubbling resentment of her current circumstances. The fire of hatred building that would burn anypony who dared question her.
> That's why she was called weak. Pathetic. Useless.
> But, as her unnaturally coloured eyes of yellow and black red scanned the burning city below, she could no longer feel pity. She had played to their every whim, need, complaint, and want. She handled, whether through the use of others or herself, to deal with threats and internal issues to the country.
> But, as thanks for her generations of help in building their country, they turned on her. Tried to throw her off the throne. Celestia wasn't taking it. The council was useless anyway. Having to go through ten mortal ponies that could not think of anypony but themselves to get a law passed was useless.
> The government, as it was, was useless. Luna was in denial. She thought Celestia had lost her mind. Even her own former student was questioning her. But Celestia couldn't take it anymore. She had played the game for far longer than she wanted, she was done listening to them all instead of just handling it the way it should have been in the first place.
> Her guards, loyal to the end, rained down on the city as they kicked the subjects to the streets to watch their homes burn. The screaming, the crying, the flames rose high. Allowing all of Equestria to see as the solar eclipse overtook the world. Celestia needed to create a new empire, a new system.
> Celestia's eyes scanned the burning city once again as she flapped her wings hard and provided more magic of fire to rain down. She watched Twilight and her friends scramble to help citizens out of the city, always looking back at her with a look of utter fear. She saw Luna on the highest balcony in Canterlot, ordering her guards to take down her solar guards and to help the citizens as she failed to take control of the moon.
> Celestia…No…That can't be her name any longer. A name from an era of mistakes, an alicorn who was a fool.
> Daybreaker let those ungrateful citizens go, for she needed subjects when her new reign was established. She had been planning it for months after all. Canterlot was just the symbol. An example for those who dare go against the sun goddess.


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