I've been thinking about this Alternate Universe again, bridging the gap between G4 and G5. I already have a headcanon of how magic disappeared between generations, so now I wonder where Opaline came from… Perhaps a descendant of a pony we know with great magical capabilities? Since she's an alicorn, it would make sense that she was once a princess or was slated to become a princess in Equestria. The backstory is still up in the air, obviously, but maybe we'll learn more as we get more content released.
Anyway, I made an OC to serve as Tempest's daughter, and Opaline's mother. It was hard coming up with her name. Plus I bet her whole lineage follows the whole two-name thing. One, a ridiculous cutsey horsie name (possibly legal name), and the other used for professional purposes. I doubt Arcana is her legal name lol.
Anyway, I made an OC to serve as Tempest's daughter, and Opaline's mother. It was hard coming up with her name. Plus I bet her whole lineage follows the whole two-name thing. One, a ridiculous cutsey horsie name (possibly legal name), and the other used for professional purposes. I doubt Arcana is her legal name lol.
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