
Let me tell you about the worst panic attack I’ve had. And it was last night.

I sleep heavily through loudness but I wake up to quiet noises. It’s a curse, really. And last night I woke up just enough to hear the guys (since we were staying with friends) chatting about going for a night run, driving, and I distinctly remember hearing the front door lock. But nothing really registered.

Then I woke up because I was cold (checked the time to see 11:43pm) and, while disoriented, found I was completely alone in an apartment I barely knew. I found my phone and looked for something to fix my cold arms. It was amazing timing as there was a soft tap on the door.

I wasn’t sure what to think of the noise until it because a soft knock. But it was a knock. Now, I’m not sure about you but in that situation I immediately think that the only person knocking would be a stranger. Because the people that left obviously locked the door. So I text my partner in crime that’s missing in action that someone is knocking (11:44pm). And that knocking is getting louder.

I hear his phone get my text.

I am panicking because now I’m going to die because I was alone and someone broke in. And at some point I started hiding in a closet.

Then I got enough courage to go and ask who’s there (11:47pm). And it was my boyfriend. He didn’t have a key and had lost everyone after dropping one of the guys off at home. They had woken him and in HIS disoriented state, forgot his phone and wallet and had even gotten lost for half an hour on the way back.

So everything was fine but oh my god. In the span of five minutes I freaked the fuck out.


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