United Equestria Wallpapers by Emkay-MLP, 2012-04-17T23:14:22Z
> Download Zip file, receive wallpapers!
> New Lunar Republic? Solar Empire?
> Why fight? Can't we all just get along?
> The resolutions supported are:
>  1024x768
>  1280x480
>  1366x768
>  1440x900
>  1600x900
>  1600x1200
>  1920x1080
>  1920x1200
>  2048x1024
> If there are any resolutions here that do not fit your screen, let me know and I'll see what I can do.
> Download Zip file, receive wallpapers!
> New Lunar Republic? Solar Empire?
> Why fight? Can't we all just get along?
> The resolutions supported are:
>  1024x768
>  1280x480
>  1366x768
>  1440x900
>  1600x900
>  1600x1200
>  1920x1080
>  1920x1200
>  2048x1024
> If there are any resolutions here that do not fit your screen, let me know and I'll see what I can do.
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