> Getting back to my roots. Haven't used fluffy cloudy stuff in a while.
> So here's a promo wallpaper for the Balloon Party album: [[link]](https://mylittleremix.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1431)
> Feeling generous? Donate here and get these musicians to Bronycon: [[link]](https://mylittleremix.com/wherestheballoonparty/)
> Render for Pinkie Pie came from [[link]](https://www.deviantart.com/m99moron/art/We-need-to-celebrate-279346871)
> Render for Balloon Party Logo came from [[link]](https://www.deviantart.com/aruigus808/art/Balloon-Party-Vector-284811750)
> Any problems and I'll take this one down and switch it out for another [less cool] Pinkie/Balloon Party Logo (Plz don't, I tried to make it myself with the pen tool and it sucked)..