This is part of the process of my entry for the 2019 Derpibooru Community Collab. I took way too much time and steps to get to the final part, which still wasn't that great.
Moon Flower (me) at the left is a rather big pony. It's too afraid to look at any of those many, many strangers who pose for the gigantic group picture and tries to hide behind its mane.
Misty Cloud at the right is one of the protagonists of [Nyerguds](/profiles/Nyerguds)' [Fallout Equestria: The Daily Unlife]( She's actually a psychologist and does her best to encourage Moon to be part of the big event swishing the mane out of the shy one's face.
Process: • First I made a very raw sketch (pencil & paper) which is too crude to share, in my opinion. It also featured clothes for Misty Cloud and had her pet spider too — unfortunately that got ommitted because the deadline got too close. Finally the sketch got a bit out of hand when my partner and me got silly with it. • Then I used PonyLumen's PonyCreator to get some references for proportions and perspectives. • Back to sketching a second time with pencil & paper. This very picture is the result of it. My muzzle is too low which got corrected digitally. Also the hind legs are apparently missing because in PonyCreator they were perfectly hidden by the front legs. After finishing this project, I realised I should have added them instead of going for a full frontal view. • The next step was scanning this second sketch and redrawing it with paths in GIMP while correcting the long face. • Then I coloured it with the bucket tool; shading was unwanted anyways by the guidelines of the collab.