> So I don't normally ship or pick a shipping pair. But to honest there's two pairings that I can do nothing but hope that one day they'll get together. The first one is Naru x Hinata, which is somewhat supported in cannon, and the other is FlutterMac. > > FlutterMac isn't even so much as implied in the show (and to that end, the current leaks of story suggest that the OTP will actually be Big Mac X Cherrilee) but I just can't get over how cute this pair would be. > > So today you get a random FlutterMac out of me so that I can get it our of my system and also draw two ponies physically interacting with each other. Which is to say show exactly how much I have no idea how that is actually supposed to look. ; > > EDIT: Though she's effectively flightless, Fluttershy is technically a pegasus. Patched in her wings. Thanks ~Alipes for reminding me! > > See also: > ![](https://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/150/i/2012/044/d/2/shojo_bubbles_by_jimthecactus-d4pnzxb.jpg)