> GAHHHH!!! I need a scanner big enough for 12"x9" cries at the horrible gutter shadow > > But independent of that; more anthro ponies. It's just been a drawyful 24 hours here. (Yes I made it up, no I don't care that you think that's wrong. :3) > > This time we have Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. If you think carefully about the layout of this drawing you can see a few things about my anthropony headcanon. First, you'll notice that Rainbow Dash is shorter than Fluttershy. In practice I actually envision the ponies breaking into 3 height classes: The tall ones are Fluttershy and Rarity, the short ones are Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle, and the medium height ones are Applejack and Pinkie Pie (though AJ looks a bit built like RD here and Pinkie Pie is just a bit ample.) > > To be honest, the term I'd use to describe RD is scrappy; short, lean, but a confidence that makes her seem as big as anyone in the room. > > If my whim catches me I may draw more of these, but I make no promises; I'm kind due to make something blue here sometime before Sunday night ;