> So I was bored at work today (multiple very simple, but very long calls.) As such I decided, on a whim due to an off-hand, unacknowledged comment someone made on the #mlp-atg-alumni IRC channel, to draw an anthro Pinkie Pie. > > Like with my others you can see I've decided to stay at the "petting zoo people" grade of the [Sliding Scale of Anthropomorphism](http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SlidingScaleOfAnthropomorphism). The shading is based on my style, though that's not to say that my work with ~[KuroiTsubasaTenshi](https://kuroitsubasatenshi.deviantart.com/)'s style didn't contribute several valuable lessons. > > The dress design is somewhat of a lolita style. That said, though it cannot be conveyed in black and white, I envision it with all of the "dark" places being a darker pink and all of the white places being a very light pink, with the exception of the belt, which is red/white candy striped. > > Also, I drew her pretty heavy, the reasoning stemming from the large quantity of baked goods she seems to sustain herself on. That said I don't think that she manages to come across as unattractive in this shape, it's just that as compared to Fluttershy ([[link](http://fav.me/d4oh2kd)]) or Rainbow Dash ([[link](http://fav.me/d4ojqv7)]) she's bearing a couple extra of those corn cakes in the midsection. XD