Born to Silly


Original template is owned by CaptainWHaddock

Here is a new meme I discovered recently, thanks to MelSpyRose using it, herself. But whereas that was used to 'fix' the mlp villain Grogar, I will be focusing on another mlp villain who i feel deserves the same fixing as the blue ram. And that, my friends, is Lord Tirek the centaur. It's no secret that this is my favorite villain in the show, as i've used him for more projects related to MLP than any other villain. And it's because this dude is a badass villain. He's cunning, ruthless, intimidating, powerful, and he has the honor of being a reincarnation of a G! character: Tirac of The Midnight Castle. Now, THIS character is a dark lord who wielded a Rainbow of Darkness that corrupts, and transforms everything it touches in Tirac's image. And while he only had one episode in G1 to account for, his appearance left quite an impact, especially due to his own ruthless nature. But while the two are similar, the centaurs are still different in plenty different ways. And as much as I enjoyed Tirek in season 4, there are still some things I would fix about him that I think need improving. And i'll be sharing them with you now.

1. If he's going to be a rehash of an existing character, he should at least share a similar personality as Tirac. Granted, he's a demonic deceiver who even tricked Discord of all beings into aiding him in his crusade to steal all magic. But other than that, he was mostly a bruiser relied on his raw strength than his wits. Or at least, that's what happened in season 9. If anything, you should follow the example of shows like Transformers, and how they represent Megatron, who has been rehashed over and over again, yet retains his core personality. I love that Tirek is a schemer who can surpass Discord, but he should also be someone who commands respect, and inspires fear in his enemies. One who isn't afraid to kill or destroy to get what he wants (Golden Oaks was an incidental case). If this were how he was presented, he wouldn't turn into a joke character by the time season 9 rolled in. Had he the villainous persona of his G1 counterpart mixed in there, he would still be deserving of the right to be called Lord Tirek.

2. I think i might be repeating myself with this one, but Tirek is not an idiot, nor is he childish or immature in any way. At least he isn't in season 4. He was a predatory demon who liked to manipulate others into doing what he wanted. That's how he kept Discord under his thumb until he eventually, and inevitably, betrayed the draconequus. But somewhere along the lines, DHX and Hasbro decided that he should be a terrible schemer who doesn't think things through, and who is second fiddle to Chrysalis and Cozy Glow. Or at least make him constantly bicker and argue with those two like a toddler. Oh, his manipulative nature did show once, but his newfound childish attitude diminished his nature when he and Cozy started arguing. And apparently they got it into their heads to make him a musclebound bruiser who cares more about getting his physique back than anything else. I would personally keep his manipulative nature in tact so that he enjoys toying with his cohorts rather than bickers with them. Because if you're going to establish a villain, you should keep their traits in check.

3. I suppose it was inevitable that Tirek would undergo what media calls "Villain decay" given how scary he was. Whether it was this reason or not, he still went the way of Lord Zedd and became a joke of a villain in Season 9. Not thinking his Cozy Glow plan through to the end, bickering like a child with said filly and Chrysalis, keeping to his deal without something in exchange, catching a falling bird, and obsessing over his own physique instead of his desire for power while pretty much taking a back seat to Chrysalis being the head honcho in their villainous trio. If this were season 4 Tirek, he would never do these things. He is meant to be an ambitious, cruel, manipulative schemer who considers all possibilities, and double crosses others to get his way. If I were in charge of Tirek, I would keep him the way he was in s4 so that he could be the one pulling others strings. He may have respect for Grogar's power, but he would never settle for being a servant or be controlled by anyone. He'd be plotting and scheming to overthrow the ram at any possible opportunity, and he wouldn't be trying to kiss up to hi-…actually, he would in order to gain his favor, and keep up the charade of being loyal. He did this with Discord, and it worked out well, so whose to say he shouldn't have tried it again? And when he worked together with Chrysalis and Cozy Glow to obtain the Bewitching Bell, and used Chrysalis' enhanced magic to open a breach into the forcefield, he should have coerced Chrysalis into being loyal top him not only in exchange for her magic back, but in return for overthrowing Grogar in a staged coup. It takes him just a short while to figure out someone, and use their inhibitions against them. With such a conniving mind, Tirek could have easily led the villains throughout season 9. At least, that's how I would have done it.

4. Here's a concept I don't think anyone's actually considered before: making Tirek his G1 counterpart's descendant and disciple before his passing. This would be based on The Tenth Kingdom where The Evil Queen found a successor to her legacy, and intended to gain revenge on the house of Snow White through Virginia's mother. In the show, not only could we have seen Tirek's past origin, but also see how he was set on his path of conquest. We would see that Tirac survived his defeat at the hooves of the very first ponies to wield the power of harmony, and was looking for a successor to carry on his work. After running away from home after an incident involving his parents, Tirek would be found by the withered centaur and made his evil heir. He would then train him to use his powers, and then share the secrets of the Rainbow of Darkness — the TRUE Rainbow of Darkness. Not whatever that satchel was Tirek used to wear around his neck. Though like BW Megatron, he would rather conquer Equestria his own way, his defeats would lead to him relenting and seeking the Rainbow of Darkness. And Grogar would only motivate him further. So after coercing Chrysalis and Cozy into his aide, he would then spend the rest of the season gathering what he needed to recreate the Rainbow of Darkness. Grogar's Bell would even be a key to awakening the dark power before Tirek finally succeeds, and produces the Rainbow of Darkness. Decked out in a new set of armor similar to his old master, and armed with Grogar's power as well as other things, he would dominate the heroes, destroy Canterlot and then reshape it into Midnight Castle. The rest of the finale would play out similarly to the show, but with some differences: Tirek remains large and in charge, and he lies about chaos magic being unusable. Because in the final battle, he double-crosses Chrysalis and Cozy Glow via stealing their magic via the bell, then uses all of the stolen magic on himself to become all-powerful, and wield The Rainbow of Darkness at the height of its power from all of the negative energy the ponies had unwittingly fed it during their division. This would include creating an army of monsters to fight for him, and battle the United Nations of Equestria. This would lead to a clash between the final Rainbow of Light, and the Darkness, which the latter would lose, and revert him back to his withered self while undoing all his dark powers had wrought. Or perhaps, even return him to his original form from the comics, and have Chrysalis be the one who finishes him by either draining him of his love until there's nothing left, or simply blast him into oblivion before surrendering to Twilight with Cozy Glow. Either way, his own machinations would be his undoing.

5. The one thing I hated seeing was Tirek devolving into half of his former self. He was pretty much pushed aside to give villains like Chrysalis and Cozy Glow more spotlight. Hell, he caved in to Pinkie Pie of all ponies who threatened to annoy him for all eternity! Seriously? If it were Season 4 Tirek, as soon as she was close enough, Tirek would drain her of her magic and then use her as a bargaining chip for his freedom — at least, that's how I would have written him. And that's exactly what I did in my fanfic The Price of Freedom where he coerced Cozy into making him a suit of armor that could absorb magic due to having pieces of Chrysalis' throne put into it, and then sending it to him so that he may regain his vitality. He then plays the ponies like fiddles, and forces them to release him in order to help them escape. How cozy sent him that armor is a mystery, but she may have learned some glyph magic for teleportation at some point. Either way, he would not take crap from anyone and would either force things his way, or coerce it. Because he's a high caliber manipulator who knows how to play others, but his temper would also make him an intimidating force. Still, I suppose it depends on the situation since Tirek was in his old form in s8's finale. But still, if I were to fix Tirek in any way, I would make him like Megatron and not take anyone's crap unless he had to.

Lord Tirek designed by MelSpyRose


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