
EAW — Equestria at war Mod — Hyena Portrait


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11 comments posted


I personally like ponies, and could care less what some people think who all purportedly have the same financier that claims to own MLP… but not much less. But if you insist on talking canon, anthropomorphic parrots, sharks, monkeys, pigs, naked molerats and sneeches are canon, so a hyena isn't much of a stretch.
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Site Moderator
Indeed, but they have ruined quite a few things as they have went. New Mareland used to have a unified fascist path that had you denounce griffins and spawn stormtrooper elite motorized units. Now they split the path between two leaders with the choice of nice guy national socialism where you only denounce communism or you make segregation and denounce expansionism. It is fairly annoying that the choices they allow for gets censored and neutered as they make more and more nations with only one or two paths at all.

I feel like more could have happened back when it was only one continent than now because of how they locked the focusless nations into one ideology.
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Site Moderator
There is quite a lot that is not canon within the game, like the polar bear nation. I wouldn't mind some tiny nations here and there with random creatures to fill some space and be eradicated by the superior pony race. It wouldn't be so bad if they bothered to make any progress outside the April Fools projects.
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Site Moderator
Probably. I still want to look into how they made landmasses at some point. For a magical setting there is a lack of any magical lands that the official map hinted at. But I suppose getting started with simple replacements is the way to go. We need to revive the Aryanne mod for example. That was a fun replacement mod.
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Marenheit Contributor - This little pony contributed to the Marenheit fundraiser of 2020

Amateur Autist
Fortunately portrait replacement is easy. It probably wouldn't be hard to edit the nations/events/focuses and whatnot to remove furshit either, since the hard part of actually making them is done.
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Background Pony #735C
I have to agree, and I sort of like anthro yeens. They can be cute. Do they belong in this setting? I don't think they do.
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Site Moderator
With every update, the fewer ponies there are. I really need to figure out how to mod the game and force some more in sometime.
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Site Assistant
Hopeful Pioneer
Hot take: Hyenas should be kept out of Equestria at War. It's not a furry mod.
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