> Another FO:E PnP character of mine. I got his name from a list of real racehorse names. I think that has to be the most fun way to name a mlp character.
> His coloring is hideous, but that's the plan. Snake oil yellow coat and greasy green hair, and no fashion sense. This guy's a con artist.
> This is one of those characters where you put all your points into speech and try to have him talk his way out of everything. It's one of the most fun kinds to play. You just have to make them so full of bullshit all the time that no one can tell it from the truth, and then watch your character talk his way into more trouble while trying to talk his way out of it. It's a shotgun barrel of fun. He could very well die next session, or he could turn the tables on everyone. It's a gamble, but the pleasure is to play. It's all the same to me.