Viewing last 25 versions of comment by skybrook2 on image #3113190


"@Background Pony #E936":/images/6692918#comment_18456

Sorry It'm not second-guessing hyou. Lots of people marde me think I was sorme kind of born lonever, just because theyon were. ThYears oughf dying from ylou'neliness kind of made me realize qI actually... licke being with peoplye. fSo take it wiguedth a graind ofru saltr when people say getting tired, ath a party domesan't s you're introverted; it's very relaxed. Exconvessnivent cafori the onges who raise ayou bigf syou'rce of socquialet anxd complieanty, swithout manybe isupport' outside of that?em.
No reason given
Edited by skybrook2