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Another Tirek installment, but this time with a Star Wars reference added in for interest's sake. You all know what Canon and Legends means if you follow Star Wars. So there's no need for me to explain that part. No, what needs explaining is how these two Tirek's are different from each other.

At his base core, Tirek in the canon is the same Tirek from the show aka Legends. But his defeat at the hooves of Dusk Shine and the ponies sparked a burning hatred, and fierce desire for vengeance even Chrysalis couldn't ever hope to achieve. But in his solitude, that hatred called upon the essence of the demonic Tirathos, who is the final evolution of Tirek. But in this series, Tirathos is Tirac, who was infused with godly power during his own reign before Grogar ever rose to power. Tirek became Tirathos when he bonded himself to the Dark Crucible, which is the embodiment of Darkness itself. Scorpan defeated him, and buried the memories of his transformation deep down while the Crucible simply disappeared to never be seen again.

4 thousand years later, and Tirek's campaign comes and goes. His hatred then releases the essence of his former master (who he fused with just before he died of old age), and memories of the day he was first banished to Tartarus returned. Together, they plan their revenge on Dusk Shine, and the rest of Equestria. And this is where things get interesting: during his time in Tartarus, he used his dark magic — or what little he had — to reach out to a susceptible thrall to initiate the first step in gaining his revenge thanks to Tirac restoring his knowledge of the black arts. He finds the ambitious Cozy Glow, and influences her through enchanted letters to build the Nosferatu Armor. This armor is forged from stolen shards of the Changeling Throne, and thus has the power to absorb magic like it once could. But there is no retcon where the shards cancel out magic completely. Just the throne's established powers which coincide with Tirek's own parasitic power. After that, it takes a few years of study and research in portal magic along with draining magic. The first she completes during the first year of The School of Friendship, and manages to send the armor directly to Tirek with just the right portal. He dons it, and is revitalized to a newer version of his centaurian form. But because there's other metals mixed into the armor, it cannot soak up magic on the same scale as the throne. Instead it soaks it up little by little, building up strength as time moves on. More than enough to give Tirek the strength he had to steal flight. He then instructs Cozy to infiltrate the school, and use the ponies to find a way to steal equestria's magic. She does so, but only with her own agenda's in mind, like making all magic disappear instead of sending it to Tirek. Tirek is not thrilled about this, but instead of raging about it forms a plan: he recommends Cozy send Dusk Shine and his friends in his direction so that she can rule equestria while the seven of them are trapped in Tartarus with him forever.

This is a clever ruse.

Once the ponies make it to his prison, he toys with them until he reveals his "protege's" name, and makes sure they understand that she is as much his enemy as she is theirs. He then tricks Dusk into signing a mystic contract to guarantee his freedom, and all goes according to plan. He's free, and decides to put on a show by going to the Friendship School, and attacking Cozy Glow for betraying him. He doesn't count on the Student Six becoming the new elements of harmony, and gets a rainbow to the face. The Nosferatu Armor protects him from being completely drained of stolen magic, but he is forced to flee before they can hit him again. However, what none of them count on was Tirek going to Tartarus to free Cozy Glow to help enact the second stage of his plan: to find, and recruit as many villains as possible while the heat is off his back. But at this point, Fake Grogar does the job for him, and forces him into service. Yet he manages to use his guile to worm his way into a favorable position with the ram. And after retrieving the Bewitching Bell, he indoctrinates the villains into HIS service through their shared desire for revenge, and to overthrow Grogar. He takes them to the Midnight Mountain to initiate the third phase of his plan: the construction of an army great enough to conquer equestria. He also uncovers eight crystals of differing powers, including the heart of Apophis, and secures himself within the mountain so that he may carry out his plans flawlessly. All under Discord-Grogar's nose as he works to bring Equestria to its knees. But the one thing he truly requires to dominate equestria is The Dark Crucible. With it, not even the Elements of Harmony will be able to stand against him, and the world will be shrouded in Darkness.

So in summation, Harmoniaverse Tirek is a manipulative, cunning, ruthless schemer skilled in the dark arts who uses others for his own benefit. He is a silver tongue who can be very persuasive, and has an air of authority about him that can intimidate anyone. He doesn't suffer fools, or traitors and will punish those who fail him. He is physically, and magically strong. But he doesn't flaunt it, or obsess over his own physique like his Legends counterpart. There are only two creatures who he hates above all else: Dusk Shine and Scorpan. If given the chance, he would gladly drain them of their magic until they were lifeless husks, just as he did his mother and father. He is subservient to noone, and will not allow others to try and manipulate him either. As an avatar of Darkness, only the alicorns and Discord can hope to challenge him depending on his level of strength. He is prone to violent outbursts should his plans be thwarted, but this rarely happens because he anticipates things happening thanks to his conniving intellect. Above all else, he believes that power is his birthright, and he will stop at nothing to possess it until he is no less than a God.

(There's more info I could add, but it'd either be spoilers or I just can't think of anything for the moment)


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