
Originally posted on: March 8, 2023 at 3:27 AM UTC
> War Hammer — The Destroyer King
> The Destroyer King — War Hammer, is one of the three major cavalrymen of the BaTian Army. The Gabako dragon tribe, born for destruction, is a "disaster" feared by the world, and because of this, this dragon tribe was besieged by other races and almost became extinct. However, disaster encountered Tao Wu, the leader of the four fierce beasts, and he was willing to bow down.
> War Hammer, whose name derives from the pair of hammers he wields, is the most powerful machine of destruction on the battlefield and in battle. So what if there are walls, what if there are big gates, War Hammer will destroy these. Wherever he went, there were traces of destruction, and because of this, he was dismissed by others as "only destroying, not building". War Hammer has been wandering all his life, he has always been at war, there is me, War Hammer, when the war is over, there is no place for me to stay. He was always looking for a friend, or lord, who could fully understand him.
> Until a battle, he was invited to join a very serious battle, he was on the losing side, and because of his joining, he turned the tide of the battle. However, no one cheered or thanked him, but a lot of disgust and disgust. The next day, when War Hammer reappeared, the opposite army changed, not yesterday's army, but BaTian Army. War Hammer felt for the first time that there was something more terrifying and destructive than himself in the Decepticons. When the battle roar sounded, the entire BaTian Army charged forward, changing the entire battle situation overwhelmingly in a very short time. War Hammer knew that catching the thief first captured the king. He quickly locked on to the source of terror, and smashed his hammers hard at the source of terror. As a result, the opponent blocked his proud double hammers in the air with one blow, and was bounced back by the opponent.
> This is the first time for War Hammer, and it has been played countless times since then. However, War Hammer did not lose confidence, but became even more excited. He finally found his opponent, and he continued to attack with two hammers without fear, while the opponent took every blow of his hammer with a halberd. In the end, the opponent directly knocked War Hammer's double hammer away with a full blow. War Hammer's hands were numb. Just when he thought he could close his eyes and meet the finish line, just like his clansmen, the other party stretched out his hand instead and said, "Join our army, I, The BaWang Tyrant Rexxis, appreciate you very much!"
> It was the first time War Hammer heard such a sincere invitation, he held BaWang's hand without hesitation, and joined the BaTian Army. And it was the best decision War Hammer ever made in his life. He received respect, trust and honor in BaTian Army, as well as unlimited battle and destruction.


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