Auroras response:
My, an answer to my letter? I must say, if I was more interested in the celebrity culture, I might find myself gushing. But, I shall be professional!
You… certainly raise some good points, and they do rather make me wish I was better at the whole ordeal… I can reach seven wingpowers if I really push myself, but I don’t often use my wings for more than a little hovering, when I find myself too short to do something… So, it’s safe to say that I’m not much of a flier.
Perhaps it’s because I’m rather afraid of the freedom you and so many of our kin crave so much. I have found myself somewhat inclined to stay in the safety and warmth of the inside world… For my own reasons, of course, but at least I’ve been forced to do something about it.
Maybe one could liken your exhilaration of flight to my own elation upon furthering my studies? It makes me feel terribly excited, but… Oh, who am I kidding. My life is one devoid of excitement.
Still, you do seem like a lovely mare. It’s very unlikely that you’ll see this message, but if you happen to be in Ponyville over the next week or two, would you mind if I invited you for a cup of tea and a chat? I certainly wouldn’t mind getting to know you.
Yours, Aurora~
Aurora and I met up a week later in Ponyville to have, as suggested, a cup of tea and a chat. We covered some pretty interesting — to us at least — topics, such as various theories on the relative non-existence of matter and the quickest way to replace sparkplugs, and with luck we’ll be staying in pretty regular contact!
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