Breed: ½ Unicorn, ½ Windigo
Gender: Cisfemale
Power/Ablilities: Ice Manipulation, Blizzard creation, ice crafting/armor
Sexual Orientation: Questioning leaning towards Lesbian
Personality: Shy, reserved, untrusting, secretive, cowardly, scared of her powers, caring, polite, graceful, flighty and Kind
Special talent:Ice manipulation and creating ice storms.
Feary-Tale Destiny: Windigo Goddess
Parents: Mulberry Flowers (Mom/Dame), Windigo (Sire) North Point (Step-Mother)
Crush/Significant Other:
Since people never really make NGs of Windigos. I figure I could work up something! Polaris is such a meek girl to think that she has enough power to freeze cities solid hardly ever would cross your mind. But sadly it's true and is why she is so afraid of her powers and what she's capable of. She ran away from home so that she wouldn't hurt her family..Now she just travels wherever she can, she tries her best to trot through towns quickly. She'll find a way to control her powers… eventually. Anyways I hope you like it, Enjoy~!💕💞