
Quote: "My fellow Equestrians, looking out upon the infinite vacuum of space is utterly humbling. We who, in our own hubris, considered ourselves to be the undisputed masters of our world, are in truth less important than the tiniest mites on the back of the most massive elder dragon. We matter naught to the natural order of things, no matter how much we try to harmonise with it."

"No, we are not important in the slightest. No, our magic itself is a violent affront to the laws of physics. And no, I don't think that we should go quietly into the night."

"We as ponies, and all the other united species of Equis stand here regardless of the uncaring and spiteful universe. And together, with our new-found allies from across the veil, we walk forwards unto the future as brothers and sisters… My fellow Equestrians, will you walk with us?"


Eclipse Phase is a 34 year old earth pony mare who lives and works in Canterlot City for Princess Luna’s astronomy programme, and is the PR Director for the entire operation. Known to be politely outspoken, and opinionated, she, along with her good friend and colleague, Topaz Nebula, is one of the more well known members of the team.

Physically small and weak due to malnourishment throughout a difficult and very poor childhood, Eclipse Phase is in decent overall health despite her diabetes. A number of scars can be found over her body, mostly under her coat, but she has a notable visible scar below her left eye from a fight she got into when she was younger.

As the public face of the astronomy programme, Eclipse will more often than not be at press conferences, and be taking interviews for the press. She is known to be a passionate speaker, convinced of the righteousness of the path that she follows, and has a knack of instilling that same conviction in the hearts of those who she speaks to and for.

She works closely with Topaz Nebula, and this can be seen in a lot of Topaz's habits, and mannerisms rubbing off on her own personality. They are very close friends who consider each other sisters. In fact many ponies that see the two together assume that this is in fact the case. Neither do anything to dissuade anypony of this notion, as they find it extremely amusing.

Outside of work, Eclipse remains friendly and mostly relaxed- carefree if you will. Her once violent temper she once had in her childhood has melted away to nothing, yet if you rile her up enough, you can expect to be verbally put right back in your place, as she has quite the acid tongue when required.

When it comes to more personal matters, Eclipse Phase is single, heterosexual, and couldn't care less about a partner's species so long as she was treated right. Known to adore physical affection and cuddling in general, Eclipse has a definte fondness for her ears and her underhooves being touched and massaged.

Though she is rather busy with her job at present, she would like to settle down with the right partner and start a family soon.


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