> 17th Jan 2023, 6:00 AM in [What About Discord?](https://friendshipisdragons.thecomicseries.com/archive/62874)
> Once again, reordering and recontextualizing events from the show leads to some strange situations…
> Bit of site news: Since the arc's running longer than I originally estimated, I'm extending the deadline for guest comics! You've got until at least February 20th!
> DM: What is Twilight's answer? Or do you need a second?
> Twilight Sparkle: Extremely need a second.
> DM: Understandable.
> Discord: So… let me see if I understand the situation here… This is checkmate, right? Aren't you all basically out of moves?
> Applejack: It's all up to Twilight now.
> Fluttershy: I'm pretty sure she won't sacrifice us… right?
> Rarity: Still, the world is a heavy price to pay.
> Pinkie Pie: It's not lookin' good for the ol' Elements of Harmony!
> Rainbow Dash: \Heck with that – lemme at 'im!\
> Tirek: Think of it this way, Twilight Sparkle: In exchange for sealing your fate, you can spend your final days with your friends… AND take vengeance upon the so-called "god" who made this all possible.
> Twilight Sparkle: Oh, so \that's\ why Discord is on offer?
> Tirek: Am I not magnanimous?