
So this is how Clidesdale and Skies' parents met…

It was in Canterlot Flight School and Rainbow Dash was walking down the hall drinking a refreshing, cold, drink and she decided to break the school rules and fly through the hallways.
Well being the self-centered mare she is, she flew through those halls like a BEAST!!! She wasn't looking at where she was going and ran into a pie-loving stallion named Soarin. Soarin
recognized her as one of the most talented and quickest flyers in the entire school. Rainbow Dash blushed profusely, and Soarin did much of the same. "UGH!! You made me spill my
NRG drink!!!" Soarin helped her up and apologized to her. Rainbow thought he was cute and clumsy. Soarin thought she was cute, and fierce.

Clidesdale: EEEEEWWW!!! MOM!!!

Sky: Yech! When I meet my husband, I don't want to do all of that mushy stuff.

Soarin: You'll change your mind when your older and you'll love them no matter what. Right Rainbow?

Rainbow: UGH!! You are so annoying sometimes Soarin! walks off

Soarin: purrs She loves me.Heart Blush

Oh yeah and she also got a tattoo of the Wonderbolt logo


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