Abra is there, because of this deviation: [link] which is also because of Twilight's teleportation abilities. The Gothelle and Cleffa are there because they are both pokemon connected to stars and constellations, which is what twilight is most facinated with, aside of Magic. Noctowl is there for Owlishious, while the espeon is there because you have to befriend an eevee during the sunlight before it evolves and gains psychic powers, much like how Twilight had to make friends in order to unlock her element in the Elements of harmony. The Girafarig is there for two reasons. One; because of her snapped persona from the Lesson Zero episode, and the second because a pokemon with two seperate brainwaves coming from it, would probably inquire a lot of curiosity in Twilight, and she would catch it just to study it, becoming part of her team as she does so." -SeaAndSunshine