
day 23 of the third annual artist training ground event on equestria daily. theme was to draw a professional pony.

I was very, very near not doing this piece and using today as a rest period after yesterday's absolutely painful experience (it took me HOURS to put together a pic that wasn't even that good imo, due to some severe ocd); I was super stressed last night and could barely even sleep, and have, to say the least, had a less than stellar day. To top if it off, I could think of NOTHING for today's theme that wouldn't be even more time-consuming to draw than yesterday's even if i WASN'T ocd, so I had actually decided to just put my foot down and take a break for a day.

Then, this idea hit me — just, like, Celesia, just a headshot of her, looking all businesslike — and then I got this idea of doing her up a bit like Principal Celestia from EqG. Then I changed the manestyle and added glasses, 'cuz it looked cute.

So there


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