Born to Silly


Twily, you sure this wont hurt her?, Shining Armor asked.

Twilight Sparkle smiled, Dont worry, I made sure to make this as painless as possible. I cant promise that she wont feel anything though

Shining Armor sighed, and nodded, AlrightI hope this works.

As if on time, Princess Cadence began to stroll down the forest of Apple Trees adjacent of Sweet Apple Acres, on her way to pick some ripe apples. This helped take her mind off her troubles of trying to conceive herself with a foal. She and Shining tried so much in their home to create a child, but nothing seemed to happen. No morning sickness, no cravings, nothing at all.

Shining armor and his sister ducked under a fairly large bush as Cadence stopped by the tree that grew in front of the trio. The pink princess searched the tree carefully, hoping to spot apples that seemed ripe for the picking. Her eyes stopped as she found a bright red apple, fairly sized with a glint of shine from the sun. Her lips moistened as she used her magic to pick the apple, and slowly lift it up to her mouth.

"Now!", Shining Armor whispered.

Twilight aimed her horn, and quietly launched a spell onto the apple, giving the apple a faint purple glow. Cadence wasnt able to noticed the slight change, as her eyes were closed as she bit down, A juicy crunch coming from the apple as a part of it was bitten off.

Cadence moaned in delight, Applejack was right, these are delicious!

As Cadence sighed and began to trot away, she stopped and gasped. Shining Armors heart jump as his wife tumbled to the ground, gripping her belly.

The worried prince became anxious, I-I though this wouldnt hurt her!

Twilight tried to calm her brother, Its just the pressure, I said I could not promise she would not feel anything else.

The princess leaned her back on the tree, an expression of confusion instead of pain that Shining was afraid of. Her flat belly was covered by a dimly lit purple aura. She was breathing a bit heavy, her belly moving up and down as it began to expand upwards. With each breath, Cadences stomach extended forward with a arousing rhythm. The eggs in her began to fertilize with her body from Twilights spell.

Cadence began to feel her growing girth as her belly looked familiar, as if she waspregnant?! This thought crossed her mind as her began to feel her womb. Before she knew it, she felt a kick or two arising from her skin. Cadence began to smile, as her wishes were finally met: She was actually pregnant!

The growing began to slow down, her belly was now the size of a full term pregnant mare, even a bit more. The now pregnant princess smiled, Whatever happened, Im t-thankful for it

As tears began to stroll down Cadences face, a familar hairless hoof met her chin and lifted her head up. Shining armor met her tearful eyes.

"Y-youre going to be a father."

"I know." Shining armor stated, before the couple shared a kiss.


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